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Following is a speech by Secretary for Information Technology & Broadcasting, Mr K C Kwong, at the Opening Ceremony of the Authorised Academic Java Campus of the University of Hong Kong today (Wednesday):
Professor Cheng, Ms Jones, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very pleased to witness the formal opening today of the Authorised Academic Java Campus of the University of Hong Kong. I am also honoured to be invited as a member of the Steering Committee of the University to give advice on the operation of the Campus.
The introduction of Java technology is a significant development in the IT industry. The technology has now set a new world standard in cross-platform compatibility. Its "Write Once, Run Everywhere" capability has substantially streamlined software development and delivery, and opened up new and dynamic opportunities for interactive information exchange. The University of Hong Kong has been appointed by the Sun Microsystems Ltd, which developed the Java language, as the first Authorised Academic Java Campus in the world. This is a clear recognition, not just of the University's ability to use advanced technologies in its work, but also of Hong Kong's efforts in keeping itself in the forefront of world IT development. I would like to congratulate the University for winning this award.
The Chief Executive outlined his IT vision for Hong Kong in his policy address last October. He pledged to make Hong Kong a leader in the information world. To implement the pledge, we will, inter alia, seek to develop an information infrastructure with an open common interface accessible throughout the territory, and promote IT applications using this common interface in both the public and private sectors. Our strategy of establishing such an infrastructure calls for the use of advanced software technology such as Java which allows IT applications to be deployed and to interoperate on multiple platforms. We need people who are trained with such advanced technologies and who can apply them in their work to enhance our efficiency and productivity, and hence to strengthen the overall competitiveness of Hong Kong. I am therefore very pleased to see the establishment of this Campus, which will not only offer training on Java technology to university students, IT professionals and business executives, but will also provide consultancy services to corporations in the use of the technology to deliver practical solutions to resolve real-world problems in the business arena.
The establishment and operation of this Campus exemplifies a tripartite collaboration among the academic field, the IT industry and the business community. Such collaboration is essential to the wider and more effective use of advanced IT in Hong Kong. I am sure this Campus will set a precedent for others to follow, and I wish it every success.
Thank you.
End/Wednesday, August 26, 1998 NNNN