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Following is the speech by Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting, Mr. K.C. Kwong, at the Launching Ceremony of the Interactive Government Services Directory today (Thursday):
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the launching ceremony of the Interactive Government Services Directory today.
The Interactive Government Services Directory is an innovative project implemented under the "Digital 21" Information Technology Strategy of the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau. The Directory provides information on public services and interactive services to the community over the Internet.
Through the Interactive Government Services Directory, we can provide more efficient and better quality services to the public and promote wider use of information technology and electronic commerce within the community. Apart from providing the telephone numbers and web sites addresses for public services to the community, this innovative project also provides, in an interactive way, the employment service of the Labour Department, the investment guide of the Industry Department and the road traffic information service of the Transport Department. Since employment, investment and setting up business as well as transport are closely related to our economic development and daily life, the launching of the Interactive Government Services Directory is a clear demonstration that the application of information technology can help to promote trade and industry and improve the quality of our lives.
The successful launching of the Interactive Government Services Directory is attributed to the efforts made and support given by many parties. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to them -
(a) the Labour Department, Industry Department and Transport Department which are keen in taking the lead in participating in this new project in order to provide services and information to the public in an innovative manner;
(b) the Home Affairs Department, through the Public Enquiry Service Centres of various District Offices, provide computer facilities for public use and make it substantially more convenient for those members of the public, who do not have their own computer facilities, to use the Directory;
(c) the Provisional Urban Council and the Provisional Regional Council, through more than 40 public libraries in the Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories, provide computer facilities for public use, which greatly improves the access of the Directory to members of the public;
(d) Microsoft Hong Kong Limited which has provided technical support for the development of this new service;
(e) Telecom CSL Shops, Pacific Coffee Company Cybercafes, Hongkong Telecom NETVIGATOR homepage, New World Telephone PowerPhone Services and HutchCity Internet services of Hutchison Telecom, which provide various access points for members of the public to use the Directory at their convenience.
We will widely publicise and promote the Interactive Government Services Directory in order to encourage the public to use it for obtaining public information and services. Through this Directory, we can promote public awareness about electronic services, which will pave the way for the launching of the "Electronic Service Delivery" scheme in the latter half of 2000.
Finally, I wish that all of you will continue to take part in developing innovation in the Information Age and we have a prosperous development in information technology and Hong Kong becomes a leader in the information world. Thank you.
End/Thursday, March 11, 1999 NNNN