Press Release



Speech by Secretary for Constitutional Affairs


Following is the speech by the Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Michael Suen, at the Annual Donor Award Ceremony of the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service today (Tuesday):

Mrs Tung, Dr Yeoh, Ms Wang, Mr Wong, Mr Deayton, Dr Lin, Distinguished Guests,

I am honoured to be invited to take part in the Annual Donor Award Ceremony of the Blood Transfusion Service which is held to honour and to give public recognition to those blood donors who have regularly and frequently helped the sick by giving their precious blood.

As the population of Hong Kong grows, the demand for blood will increase. If Hong Kong wants to continue to be self-sufficient in blood, the BTS will need more dedicated and civic-minded people like you who are prepared to be blood donors. It is most encouraging to note in Dr Lin's report that we have gained another record high in the quantity of blood collected in the past year. This proves once again that when a genuine need exists, the people of Hong Kong can always be relied upon to donate freely towards the common good and without thought of personal gain.

Your public-spirited response to the community's need for voluntary blood donors has enabled the BTS to supply all the blood and blood products that were required for the treatment of patients in Hong Kong last year. However, it should be remembered that donated blood can only be kept for a limited period of time. To ensure adequate supply of blood at all times, the BTS not only requires more donors but also more people who are prepared to donate blood on a regular basis. I am confident that the examples you have set will encourage other people to come forward as regular blood donors.

As you are aware, donated blood must be tested and cleared of the presence of a host of transfusion transmissible diseases (TTDs) before it can be safely used for transfusion to patients. To maximise its therapeutic use, donated blood can also be processed for the extraction of various blood components and products. The BTS has contributed a lot in the provision of quality blood and blood products for the community.

In order to strengthen its functions to supply quality blood, the BTS has, in the past year, undertaken an in-depth review of its operations and introduced a series of measures to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. As a result of these efforts, the BTS has finally achieved the qualification to obtain the coveted ISO9002 certification, the internationally accepted standard of quality. In March this year, the BTS has successfully passed the certification audit conducted by CQC of China. The ISO9002 certificate, which will be presented later in this ceremony, will be the first of its kind awarded to an entire healthcare organisation in Hong Kong. This achievement is built not only on the vision and determination of the BTS' management, but also on the vigour and hard work of its dedicated staff. I wish the BTS continued success in the years ahead.

Last of all, I would like to extend my appreciation to the blood donors who have given their unfailing support for the provision of donated blood. Only with your contribution can the BTS continue in supplying sufficient quantities of quality blood for the whole of Hong Kong. So keep on with your good work. Thank you.

End/Tuesday, May 4, 1999