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Following is the speech by the Secretary for Security, Mrs Regina Ip, in moving the committee stage amendments to the Adaptation of Laws (No.22) Bill 1999 in the Legislative Council today (Wednesday):
I move that Schedules 5 and 15 of the Bill be amended as set out in the paper circulated to Members.
Schedule 5 Registration of Persons Regulations ------------------------------------------------------
The proposed amendment to Schedule 5 is to repeal the regulation under the Registration of Persons Regulations which exempts the then Governor and his family members from the requirement to register or apply for an identity card. Taking into account Article 44 of the Basic Law which provides that the Chief Executive must, inter alia, be a permanent resident, we consider the exemption no longer justified.
Schedule 15 Government Flying Service (Discipline) Regulation --------------------------------------------------------------------
The amendment to Schedule 15 is to adapt the term "Secretary of the Government Secretariat" under the Government Flying Service (Discipline) Regulation to "Director of Bureau". This is to reflect the proper rank title after the Reunification.
I urge Members to support these amendments.
End/Wednesday, November 10, 1999 NNNN