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Following is the transcript of the remarks made by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Anson Chan, this (Friday) evening at the 40th Anniversary Reception of the Information Services Department:
Thomas, staff of GIS, ladies and gentlemen,
I am delighted to say a few words on this very happy occasion when we are celebrating the 40th birthday of the GIS.
As somebody who has chalked up 37 years service in the civil service, I think I am entitled to say that 40 years is a pretty mature age for any department, particularly for a department that is involved in the information business where we have seen such dramatic changes in the last 40 years. In effect, we moved from long-hand to palm-tops.
When the GIS was first set up in 1959, I believe it had a staff complement of 50. In those days, I am told, that the backbone of the information staff was actually journalists and for some in the civil service, it was like having a 5th column in our midst. But not to worry, I am told also that most of these, as it were, 'poachers' became very good 'gamekeepers'.
But the GIS, like the rest of the Government, has had to keep pace with the changes of the last 40 years. There has been, I think, a fundamental and very welcomed culture change in the department, both in terms of the advice of the tenders to the rest of the Government, and also in terms of how it helps put across the Government messages to the public. And I believe that even the harshest of critics of the GIS and the Government has gone into print to praise sometimes the GIS, particularly its 24-hour public enquiry service.
I am sure that the GIS, under Thomas' leadership, will continue to adapt to the changes and will be responsive to the expectations and aspirations of the community as a whole. Today it handles a vast volume of business, the Internet of course has made it easier to disseminate information. And I believe it is the intention of the GIS early next year, to be able to, instantly broadcast on the Internet some of the more important press conferences.
So enough for me. I would like you all to join me in the toast. The toast to say happy birthday to Thomas and all the staff of GIS and to wish them many more to come. Cheers!
Thank you all for your hard work.
End/Friday, December 3, 1999 NNNN