Press Release



Chief Secretary For Administration's speech at HK Eco-Products Award


The following is the speech (English only) by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Anson Chan, at the 1999 Hong Kong Eco-Products Award Prize Presentation Ceremony today (Monday):

Mrs Sohmen, Honoured Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very pleased to be here this evening to officiate at the Award Presentation Ceremony for the Hong Kong Eco-Products Competition. It is encouraging to see this turnout from the business community on this 'green' occasion.

We all want Hong Kong to be a pollution free city, with blue sky, clear water and green hills. This seems to be taken for granted. But when you ask people to make trade-offs, their answers may be less straightforward. In an opinion survey this summer, only 4% of the respondents considered environmental pollution an urgent issue for Hong Kong in the next three to five years. Amongst those with an affirmative answer, 67% of them considered it 'the government's business'. We found this quite alarming!

That is why deepening the community's understanding that our future economic prosperity depends upon the quality of our environment is an objective high on our action agenda for the new Millennium. That is why new environmental initiatives like the Eco-Products Award from the private sector are doubly welcome.

Protecting the environment and economic growth are not mutually exclusive. In fact, proper management and use of our natural resources lays the foundation for sustainable economic development. No investor would like to live or do business in a place where the air is seriously polluted and the water is filthy. The development of environmental industries and the better integration of green technology into existing industries provide new businesses and new jobs.

On the part of the Government, I am sure that you are familiar with the specific targets that the Chief Executive has set out in his Policy Address this year to improve air quality, sewage treatment and waste reduction. I will not repeat them here. But I would like to add that -

* We have been providing institutional and infrastructural support, such as land grants, research grants and employee training, to help create a more favourable environment in which a diversity of self-sustaining industries can thrive and environmental research and development work are encouraged;

* We are now in the process of reviewing the government procurement process with a view to making specifications as environmental-friendly as possible; and

* Over the next couple of years, we intend to develop a framework for much greater energy efficiency. This will encompass central air conditioning, building lighting, road vehicles and domestic appliances and office equipment.

The universities are displaying commendable interest in applying their knowledge and research to the world of business. The Private Sector Committee on Environment and the Centre of Environmental Technology also provide a wide range of consultancy and other services. The Hong Kong Productivity Council is joining the crusade as well. Just over a year ago, the Council established the 'Cleaner Production Centre' to help local manufacturers understand and meet environmental obligations. The Vocational Training Council is playing its part at the training end. The provision of training courses for LPG vehicle mechanics is the best example.

'Save the Environment for Future Generations' is our common goal and mission. And I am most encouraged to see that our private sector is every bit as committed to delivering results as we are, as can be seen from the considerable number of entries to this competition in enhancing energy efficiency, reducing air pollution and improving waste management. With the concerted effort of all, I am confident that Hong Kong will be a place fit for our children to live and prosper in the years ahead.

Finally, I would like to congratulate award winners on your outstanding achievements and thank Mrs Sohmen and the other pioneers of environmental responsibility by the private sector. You have shown the way forward for every business. And I do urge you to keep up the good work.

Thank you very much.

Photo: Picture shows Mrs Chan presenting the Eco-Product Award to the winners.

End/Monday, December 13, 1999