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Speech by Director of Public Prosecutions ****************************************** Following is the speech on Criminal Misuse of Computers and How This Can be Tackled by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Grenville Cross, SC at the Symposium of 'e-Management : Challenges and Opportunities' organised by the Institution of Electrical Engineers Hong Kong today (May 26): The computer age : growth of the Internet : e-commerce : a global marketplace The computer age has ushered in a technological revolution which has profoundly affected perceptions, practices and procedures. It has implications which are transnational in their scope and mind-boggling in their complexity. Problems have arisen for which there are no quick or easy solutions. That said, the well-being of the global community requires not that we throw up our hands in despair, but that, at the regional, national and international levels, we address our minds collectively to the most effective way forward. In recent times there has been major growth in the use of computer networks to provide financial services, in the development of the Internet, and an explosion of online share dealing. In the United Kingdom, Internet- based stockbrokers are seeing business double every fortnight. Some companies there are struggling to keep pace with demand, which now sees as many shares traded online in a single week as in the last 6 months of 1998. Banks are going online with Internet banking services. Open networks have the capacity to offer substantial opportunities for global electronic commerce in goods and services which can be ordered, supplied and paid for electronically. The electronic marketplace is now a fact of life. Open and accessible, the Internet allows rapid and efficient worldwide exchanges at low cost. Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, recently announced an ambitious drive to hook every EU citizen up to the Internet as soon as possible so as to promote e-commerce. It is estimated that the number of Internet users will increase this year a quarter of a billion. In the Asia- Pacific Region about 50 million people used the Internet in 1999, and that figure is expected to increase by more than 50% a year. In Hong Kong, there are now more than 1 million Internet users, and 30,000 registered websites. Based on latest industry forecasts, the total value of electronic transactions will be US$403 billion this year, and that figure is projected to rise to US$953 billion by 2001, and to US$7.29 trillion by 2004. The business-to-business e-commerce market is anticipated to rise to more than US$400 billion by 2002, and to reach US$2.7 trillion by 2004, with the Asian market expected to account for 13.6% of that figure. In Hong Kong, the total value of products and services transacted over the Internet was $466 million in 1998. Computer crime : emerging trends Whilst modern computer technology is a great thing, it cannot easily be regulated, controlled or policed. All major jurisdictions have encountered offences related to the misuse of computers, often concerning fraud and theft through the Internet, but also involving money laundering, pornography, copyright piracy and unlawful gambling. It has, remarkably, been estimated, by Meridien Financial Services, that up to 15% of the sales made over the Internet using a credit card could be fraudulent - whereas less than 1% of credit card transactions in shops are fraudulent, according to figures from Visa International. Most crimes that can be committed on paper can now be perpetrated on the Internet. Complaints of fraud on the Internet are running at 300 a month in America, where the US Government believes hacking cost companies $265 million last year, double the 1998 figure, and like trends are emerging elsewhere. Companies are particularly at risk - competitors can break into computer systems to obtain account details, customer records and other sensitive data. There are hackers at work who aim to defraud banks, to extort money, to plunder information of financial value, and to cause economic harm. Let no-one underestimate the skill and sophistication of the hackers. We are concerned here not, as once may have been the case, with curious computer science students, but with international organised crime groups. Computer hackers in England recently demanded a ᄁG10 million ransom from Visa International after successfully penetrating its computer network. And if, as has recently happened, the hackers can gain access to the websites not just of major companies, but also of the websites of the Japanese Government and the US Military, then they have the capacity to penetrate almost any system. This must be something of concern to business communities everywhere. Hong Kong rightly prides itself as being a technologically advanced society, and the Economist in 1999 praised it as having one of the most wired urban populations in the world. But if persons unknown can halt the operation of the wealthiest, most powerful web operations in the world - and in February cyber attacks led to the shutdowns of Amazon.com, eBay, Yahoo!, CNN and Excite - then they can break into almost any system. In the USA in 1999, reported hacking cases doubled to 1,154. That the number of reported hacking cases in Hong Kong rose from 1 in 1993, to 4 in 1996, to 238 in 1999, demonstrates that Hong Kong is in no way insulated from the problem of computer crime. Nor could it be, for the problem has three essential characteristics : it is transnational, it is sophisticated, and it is secret. Since we cannot tolerate a situation to develop which threatens Hong Kong's emerging status as an international centre of e-commerce, firm action is required to clamp down on computer crime and to supplement existing laws in this area. So what laws do we have, and what is the extent of the problem? Laws to deal with computer misuse The existing legislative regime is such that at present we can just about tackle most forms of reported computer crime. Its main features are : * Access to a computer with criminal or dishonest intent (Max sentence : 5 years) - s 161, Crimes Ordinance, Cap 200 * Criminal damage to property, which applies to misuse of a computer programme or data (Max sentence : 10 years) - s 60, Crimes Ordinance, Cap 200 * Unauthorised access to a computer by telecommunication (Max sentence : HK$20,000) - s 27A, Telecommunications Ordinance, Cap 106 * Burglary, which includes unlawful damage or alteration of computers in premises (Max sentence : 14 years) - s 11, Theft Ordinance, Cap 210 * False accounting, destroying, falsifying, etc any record - including a record kept by means of a computer - made or required for any accounting purpose, or producing any such record in the knowledge that it is or may be misleading (Max sentence : 10 years) - s 19, Theft Ordinance, Cap 210 * Publishing an obscene article, which applies to the display of obscene articles on the Internet (Max sentence of 3 years and HK$1 million) - Control of Obscene and Indecent Publications Ordinance * The Electronic Transactions Ordinance, which commenced on 7 January 2000, reduces the opportunity for computer crime through the use of false identities * Unauthorised copying of computer programmes (copyright works) constitutes an offence (Max sentence : 4 years) - see s 3 and s 118 of Copyright Ordinance, Cap 528. Despite this legislation, there is no room for complacency. The problems of computer and Internet crime are proliferating at an alarming rate. Although so far Hong Kong has, for example, only had two cases of Internet investment fraud, and although Hong Kong's problem with online scams involving securities and futures products is not as great as that facing regulators elsewhere, we cannot assume this will stay the position. At the very least, it is vital for investors to exercise great vigilance. Extent of the problem : The Statistics Nature of Cases/Year 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 Hacking 1 5 4 4 7 13 238 38 PABX Fraud 0 3 4 5 5 4 0 0 Publication of 0 0 1 6 6 13 32 0 Obscene Article Criminal Damage 0 1 2 4 3 3 4 1 Internet Shopping Fraud 0 0 0 0 2 1 18 4 Others 3 3 7 7 2 4 25 6 Total 4 12 18 26 25 38 317 49 So between 1993-1999, it will be seen that there was an increase of almost 8000% in computer related crime. This, therefore, is a growth industry, in every sense of the term. These statistics, I must emphasise, do not illustrate the problem - they simply expose the tip of the problem. An emerging area of concern from the statistics is unlawful Internet shopping, and the illegal use of the credit cards of others to buy goods on the Internet. Hundreds of new websites appear each day. Cybercrooks seeking to exploit the online shopping boom are building websites which either advertise goods that never materialise or record credit card numbers to be used later for multiple purchases. Others trade legitimately for a time to establish their credentials before advertising high cost items, delivering sub-standard or fake goods, and disappearing with the cash. Most of these incidents never come to the attention of the police because of the relatively low cost of the goods and because victims and criminals are spread across the globe. Stolen credit card numbers have been used to access pornographic sites for which card holders are then billed. Transnational reach of computer crime It is apparent to law enforcers that organised, international crime groups are making the most of the opportunities offered by the Internet and e-commerce. Such people are well aware of the criminal laws in various jurisdictions. Yet they do not operate within, or respect jurisdictional boundaries. For that reason no single jurisdiction can alone tackle organised crime. Very often, due to the encryption programmes which the cybercrooks use when they communicate with one another, the offences are difficult, if not impossible to detect. Criminals can use encryption to send messages for crimes ranging from money laundering to child pornography to fraud. And because the evidence is recorded digitally and then encrypted, it can be difficult, if not impossible for law enforcers when they seize the material to discover what exactly has been going on. In the absence of the digital keys, such material cannot be decoded for hard evidence, and, even if it can, the process may be laborious in the extreme. New initiatives to combat computer crime In 1999, the Government's computer system was broken into twice by hackers. The first incident took place in January, when a hacker penetrated the Government's website and tried to create a chat service. The second came in June when another hacker tried to penetrate the core computer area. Since these attacks demonstrated to the government the interest of its website to hackers, tightened security is being implemented. This is being achieved by the establishment of a Central Internet Gateway (CIG). With the CIG, government offices disseminating information and communicating to the public via the Internet will be guaranteed a secure and centrally- managed gateway. The CIG is adopting internationally accepted Internet security standards by means of firewalls, virus detection systems and intrusion detection systems. So it must not be thought either that Hong Kong is defenceless in the face of computer crime, or that its legislation is inadequate, or that it is not pro-active. That said, more, much more needs to be done, in relation, in particular, to three areas : * Jurisdiction; * Encryption; * International Cooperation. (1) Jurisdiction The cyber world is an intangible environment. Jurisdiction is usually associated with geographical boundaries. Unless otherwise specified, the jurisdiction of a court is limited to acts arising within the place in question. The common law in general regards an offence as occurring where the last act or event necessary for its completion took place, and jurisdiction is conferred where the offence is committed. In relation to conduct which involves the misuse of computers in order to commit the traditional crimes related to fraud and dishonesty, such as theft, forgery of documents or conspiracy to defraud, the necessary legislation to deal with jurisdictional issues is in place. The Criminal Jurisdiction Ordinance enables Hong Kong courts to exercise jurisdiction in relation to any such offences if : * Any of the conduct (including an omission) or part of the results that are required to be proved for conviction of the offence takes place in Hong Kong * An attempt to commit the offence in Hong Kong is triable in Hong Kong whether or not the attempt was made in Hong Kong or elsewhere and whether or not it had an effect In Hong Kong. * A conspiracy to commit in Hong Kong the offence is triable in Hong Kong where the conspiracy is formed and whether or not anything is done in Hong Kong to further or advance the conspiracy. * A conspiracy in Hong Kong to do elsewhere that which if done in Hong Kong would constitute an offence is triable in Hong Kong provided that the intended conduct was an offence in the jurisdiction where the object was intended to be carried out. In simple terms, these provisions can apply to the following example ᄀV A person who resides in Canada and who uses his computer to hack into the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation data base and thereafter causes funds to be transferred to a bank account he has in Switzerland can be prosecuted in Hong Kong for the theft of those funds. The same would also apply where a person in Hong Kong uses a computer to hack into the Chase Manhattan Bank data base in New York and causes funds to be transferred to a bank account in the Cayman Islands. Equally so where two persons agree in Hong Kong or outside Hong Kong to do such acts but fail to carry their plan into effect. However, legislation may well be required to confer jurisdiction to cover two other situations : first, where a person in Hong Kong uses a computer which causes misuse of a computer in another country, and, second, where a person in another country uses a computer to cause misuse of a computer in Hong Kong. For example, if a person in Hong Kong uses a personal computer to connect through a network in the United States and attacks a computer system in Canada, where does the offence occur? Which legal system can claim jurisdiction to prosecute? How can the perpetrator be brought to justice? In the United Kingdom, the Computer Misuse Act confers jurisdiction if either the victim or the perpetrator is in the UK. Again, the Computer Crime Act in Singapore makes provision for an offender to be prosecuted if either the commission of the act in question originated in Singapore or the consequence of the act in question was in Singapore. Such legislation allows for complex computer crimes to be dealt with whether or not the offender is in the jurisdiction. (2) Encryption In order for the commercial opportunities offered by electronic communications via open networks to be fully exploited, a safe environment is essential. To that end, cryptographic technologies are recognised as the essential tool for security and trust in electronic communication. The recently enacted Electronic Transactions Ordinance gives recognition to digital signatures which will enhance e-commerce. This legislation ensures the authentication and integrity of messages sent via a computer via the Internet. However, while cryptography has many legitimate uses, it is also being used to facilitate criminal activity, such as drug trafficking, terrorism, fraud and the distribution of child pornography. Whilst it is important that decryption keys be protected from improper disclosure, it is equally important for legitimate law enforcement agencies to have access to such keys in order to detect criminal acts. This is an area in which other jurisdictions in Asia have been active, and both Singapore and Malaysia have in place legislation which enables law enforcement agencies to acquire decryption keys. In England, the Investigatory Powers Bill was introduced into Parliament last February, and this will enable law enforcement personnel to serve written notices on individuals or bodies requiring the surrender of encryption keys and such other information as is required to enable them to understand the nature of material seized or surrendered. In the United States, the legislature is considering two Bills which, while recognising the need to protect cryptography for legitimate purposes, contain provisions enabling the mandatory recovery of keys for decrypting messages through a court order. So it is clear that, on the basis of the experience of other advanced jurisdictions, a respectable case exists for making it an offence not to decrypt enciphered material when requested, or not to provide the keys necessary to decipher the files or messages, or not to state, if known, where the keys are hidden. Time alone will tell if Hong Kong is to proceed down this route. (3) International cooperation The proliferation of transnational crime can only be countered through cooperation at the international level. Full use must be made of mutual legal assistance arrangements to ensure the preservation and the production of evidence. The major areas of assistance covered by mutual legal assistance agreements include : * Identifying and locating suspects and witnesses; * Serving documents; * Obtaining evidence; * Executing requests for search and seizure; * Providing documentary evidence relevant to criminal matters; * Transferring of persons to give evidence or assisting confiscation; and * Tracing, restraining and confiscating property used or derived from crime. Mutual legal assistance facilitates the collection of evidence of transnational crime, and will be useful in tackling cross-border cyber crime. What is required, however, with the growth of computer crime is even greater and even speedier cooperation between law enforcement authorities in all countries in order to deal swiftly with crimes resulting from computer misuse. The need for such cooperation is all the greater since the computer records generated as a result of the crime may be speedily erased by culprits who fear detection. The swift cooperation between law enforcers, in particular in America and the Philippines, over the software virus called Love Bug, which wrought such havoc to computer systems, and caused damage in lost work time and repairs valued at $7 billion, was particularly encouraging. A good example of international cooperation at work is provided by the Securities and Futures Commission. It uses its Internet surveillance programme - which monitors websites, chat rooms and bulletin boards - to detect activities which target Hong Kong and which may infringe the legislation for which the SFC is responsible. The SFC has concentrated on the fraudulent solicitation of investors, manipulation, the circulation of false or misleading information and insider trading. Eight suspicious sites out of 115 surveyed have been identified, and these were in seven jurisdictions. The SFC passes on information of possible criminality, which it discovers in the course of its surveillance, to enforcers in other jurisdictions which might be involved. Law enforcers need to work closely to provide each other with information from Internet Service Providers, which may well require legal process where the ISP maintains its records. That said, primary safeguards regarding the use of data from ISPs must be respected. For example, an ISP in the US cannot provide subscriber information to law enforcers without a subpoena, or unopened e-mails without a search warrant from a court, as a general rule. It is important, however, that jurisdictions should respond quickly to requests from elsewhere for requests for such data, by filing the appropriate documents and obtaining the information before it is lost, and making it available to the jurisdiction conducting the investigation. Often the formal process required for investigators and prosecutors to retrieve information from ISPs can take substantial amounts of time, particularly when requests must be made to another country. If an ISPs traffic or subscriber data is routinely destroyed, valuable information may be lost. There is therefore a case for saying that ISPs should be required to retain information, such as subscriber account data and Internet protocol address logs, for an additional six months upon a written request from a government authority in their own country. This procedure would require the requesting authority to go to the law enforcement authority in the jurisdiction where the ISP is located, and make a request for preservation until the proper legal process can be prepared. The preservation request can be any type of writing, such as a letter, telefax, or e-mail. In this way, critical evidence will be retained by the ISPs until the appropriate documents are presented to the ISP. Internet service providers - voluntary initiatives Possible legislation apart, voluntary measures to police themselves can properly be initiated by the Internet Service Providers. They could, for example, verify the identity of each new subscriber who opens an account. They could also take steps to make their systems less vulnerable to criminals. The verification of the subscriber's identity would help law enforcement to identify a suspect, once the screen name of the suspect has been linked to a particular account. Currently, many ISPs do no more than simply determine if the credit card used for billing has been reported stolen. The name and address of the customer should also be verified. ISPs should maintain subscriber account information and billing records for, say, a year, so that ISPs can identify the subscriber when requested to do so. There is much that ISPs can do on a voluntary basis. Whether the will to act is there is another matter. Law enforcement : meeting the challenge Hong Kong is moving quickly to strengthen the weaponry in its arsenal. The government established in March 2000 an inter-departmental group to look into computer related crimes and to review existing legislation. The group will report its findings to the government later this year and make recommendations on what additional legislation is required to meet the challenges posed by computer crime. The government's efforts are being reinforced by strengthened enforcement. Computer Crime Units have been established by the Police, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Customs and Excise Department, and the Immigration Department. A team of specialist prosecutors has been put in place in the Department of Justice to provide the appropriate expertise in court and at the advisory stage. Prosecutors and investigators are in regular contact on these issues with their counterparts in other jurisdictions. Conclusion There is a clear determination on the part of the Administration that the HKSAR will tackle both the immediate and the long-term problems posed by computer crime. That, in turn, will promote international confidence in the HKSAR. But the vision is broader than that. There is also a keen appreciation that such is the status of the HKSAR that it must play a full and effective role in the combat of computer crime at the international level as well. I conclude with this assurance : we will not be found wanting. End/Friday, May 26, 2000 NNNN |