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Speech by Secretary for Health & Welfare (English only)


Following is a speech by the Secretary for Health & Welfare, Dr E K Yeoh, at the closing ceremony of the International Hospital Federation Congress 2001 today (May 17):

Distinguished Delegates and Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the newly elected President of the International Hospital Federation, I am honoured to address you all as this first Congress of the Federation in the new millennium draws to a close.

Health is a prerequisite for human development. Globalisation has intensified cross border economic, political and cultural flows, leading to greater interdependence among economies with regard to economic activities, health, environment, society, culture, knowledge and technology. We need to get ready to respond to global threats and opportunities. It is incumbent upon all health care leaders and providers to join forces in developing and disseminating best practices towards attaining the World Health Organisation's global health policy "Health For All in the 21st Century". And the mission of the International Hospital Federation is to facilitate the cross-fertilisation of ideas in health care policy as well as hospital and health services management, and improve the health status of people worldwide.

Economies worldwide are facing mounting pressure to reform their health care system. Into the new millennium, health care leaders and providers face many new challenges. Financial sustainability in face of a growing and ageing population, change in the concept and role of hospitals, the "double burden" of disease, the "triple burden" of disease as a result of globalisation, as well as advancement in medical knowledge and technology have brought unprecedented pressure on our health care systems. This Congress has come at the opportune moment to stimulate deliberations and crystallise thoughts on the best way forward. It has provided us with the golden opportunity to exchange views with renowned speakers on their invaluable insights and experiences in health agenda for the new century, health care reform, infrastructure development as well as the training and empowering of carers. I am sure all of us have benefited from the synergy of the process.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Scientific and Organising Committee for an insightful and stimulating scientific programme and a memorable Congress. I would like to convey a sincere vote of thanks to our eminent speakers for sharing and enlightening us with their knowledge, experiences and insights on the health care in the New Century. Our thanks also go to the team of dedicated staff in the Hong Kong Hospital Authority and the IHF Secretariat. It is only with your support that we managed to run the programme of this Congress smoothly.

As we bid farewell to Dr Krol, the outgoing president of the Federation, I wish to invite you all to extend our appreciation to his vision and capable leadership in steering the Federation into the 21st Century.

Finally, I wish to thank all of you once again for your participation and invaluable contributions. I look forward to seeing you all in the 33rd Congress which will be held in San Francisco in August 2003.

Ladies and gentlemen, I now declare the 32nd International Hospital Federation Congress officially close.

End/Thursday, May 17, 2001


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