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About 14,000 civil servants will next week take part in the biggest management forum yet organised by the government.
The forum - 'A world-class government for Asia's world city' - will consist of eight separate half-day sessions between August 26 and 29 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The forum is designed to help civil servants gain a better understanding of how global competition impacts on Hong Kong, the challenges and opportunities facing the community, the impact that these have on government and how all civil servants have a role to play in achieving Hong Kong's world city goals.
It has been organised by the Efficiency Unit, under the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office.
The forum has been arranged for middle and senior ranking civil servants, with each attending one of the eight sessions.
An interactive communications format that uses specially-designed maps and question cards has been developed over the past eight months for the exercise.
It is the first time that such a large number and wide cross-section of an entire government has used this particular communications tool. It is also the first time in Asia that this approach has been used on this scale.
"The management forum will bring together a diverse range of civil servants with varying degrees of experience and seniority," said the Head of the Efficiency Unit, Mr Colin Sankey.
"They will debate and discuss the same important issues that are facing Hong Kong and that our leadership have to deal with.
"By doing so, it is hoped that all of those taking part will be able to reach a shared understanding of the challenges facing Hong Kong and the government's goals and objectives.
"The forum is a cost effective way to give all staff involved an opportunity to examine the ways in which they can each help to improve value for money in the management and delivery of public services."
Mr Sankey said that after the management forum, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Donald Tsang, would encourage all heads of departments to follow up the exercise by discussing with their staff any areas where work practices could be changed or improved. They will also be asked to draw up an action list of priority areas.
Each of the eight sessions will be opened by a Secretary of Department or Director of Bureau, with the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary opening the first two sessions respectively on August 26, and the Secretary for Justice for PM session on August 27.
Separately, up to 1,400 directorate-grade officers will take part in a leadership symposium organised by the Civil Service Bureau at City Hall on September 4.
Further details of the event will be available nearer the time.
End/Friday, August 23, 2002 NNNN