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Speech by SCIT


The following is a speech by the Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, Mr Henry Tang, at the opening ceremony of "Charity Bazaar - We Love Hong Kong" today (May 17): (English only)

Consul General, Mr Lee (Chairman of the Korean Chamber of Commerce), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

I am very happy to be invited to this wonderful charity bazaar organised by the Korean Chamber of Commerce. On behalf of the Government, I wish to thank those who have generously devoted their time, efforts, and financial sponsorships to make this event a success.

Hong Kong has experienced some of our most turbulent and challenging times since the outbreak of SARS about two months ago. Through the devotion of our medical staff and the efforts of the Government on containment measures, success in containment and control is now in sight.

This unprecedented crisis has cost us dearly, and yet we are now united as one in supporting our courageous SARS-fighters as well as victims and families affected by this new disease. The Chinese saying "True friendship shines in hard times" is so true for Hong Kong, as we see how people help one another and how friends like the Korean Chamber of Commerce and all the other International Chambers in Hong Kong support us with such kind gestures.

Hong Kong and Korea have always enjoyed a close friendship and strong economic ties. Your civic-mindedness is also a model for us. During the World Cup tournament held last year, we have seen how Koreans volunteered to clean up the stadium after each soccer match. Now, Hong Kong has got a problem, and is very thankful to you for taking the initiative to look for a solution together.

Ladies and gentlemen, we recognise the challenges ahead of us. But we are very much encouraged by the international business community's staunch support for Hong Kong. All of our key trading partners have reaffirmed their confidence in Hong Kong's core business strengths, for which we are most grateful. Hong Kong people are survivors. And I think we will bounce back higher than we have done before. May I thank you all for your kind support - in Korean: "Kamsah Hamnida!" (Thank you).

End/Saturday, May 17, 2003


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