Press Release
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* Four persons charged with possession of dangerous drugs
* Win-win outcome attainable for construction sectors of HK, Mainland and Philippines (with photos)
* PSW's speech in Manila (English only)
* No tornado or waterspout or microburst had occurred in HK (with photos)
* Fanling no. 3 alarm fire roundup
* Government steps up measures to guard against avian influenza
* United Christian Hospital vomiting & diarrhoea cases
* Research on Family-friendly Employment Policies and Practices in Hong Kong
* Vigilance urged against medicines containing aconite herbs
* Exhibition shows magnificent scenery of concrete jungle
* LCQ5: CE and LegCo elections by universal suffrage
* 2006 provisional registers open for public inspection
* CE visits Kwun Tong district (with photos)
* MPFA recovers MPF non-payment for 16 employees
* LC: Speech by S for S in moving the resolution on the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Israel) Order
* LC: Speech by S for S in moving the resolution on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Poland) Order
* Legislative Council passes the MPF Schemes (General) (Amendment) Regulation 2006
* HKMA Quarterly Bulletin (June 2006 Issue)
* Exchange Fund Balance Sheet Data
* Hospital Authority activates Enhanced Surveillance Programme
* Effective Exchange Rate Index
* Transcript of remarks by SHWF on avian influenza
* Transcript of SETW's media session
* LCQ 10: Sea water for flushing
* LCQ20: Community nursing service
* Unlicensed guesthouse keeper fined
* LCQ18: Occupational injuries and industrial accidents
* LCQ16: Development of nursing specialties
* No. 3 alarm fire in Fanling (2)
* LCQ12: Applications from new arrival women for financial assistance
* LCQ3: Amateur Chinese opera performances at Tuen Mun Park
* No. 3 alarm fire in Fanling (1)
* EMB's major service centres to remain open on Saturdays
* LCQ 15: Patent Application Grant Scheme
* Red flag hoisted (2)
* LCQ8: CSSA families
* LCQ9: Subsidised home care services
* LCQ11: Testing for pesticide residues in imported fruits
* LCQ6: Seven-year residence requirement under CSSA
* LC: SEDL's speech on third reading of Freight Containers (Safety) (Amendment) Bill 2006
* LC: SEDL's speech on Committee Stage Amendments of Freight Containers (Safety) (Amendment) Bill 2006
* LCQ 17: Installing safety airbags in vehicles
* LCQ 4: Illegal dumping of construction waste
* Public health experts visit Shenzhen
* LCQ2:Housing Authority's Rent Assistance Scheme
* Appeal for information on dead body found in Lantau Island (with photo)
* LCQ19: Showing pre-recorded information programmes in public transport
* LCQ14: Protect study tours participants
* LCQ13: Closure of branches of banks
* Five-day week in Registration and Electoral Office
* LCQ1: Review of Domestic Rent Policy
* Preventing elder abuse: an agenda for all
* LCQ7: United States Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005
* Red flags hoisted

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