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Following is a speech by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mrs Rita Lau, at the launch ceremony of ICT Career Centre today (October 27) :
Sunny (Lee), Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good Afternoon! It is a great pleasure to join you at the kick-off ceremony for the ICT Career Centre today. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the ICT Human Resources Consortium for embarking on this meaningful initiative, which will go a long way towards helping information and communications technology (ICT) professionals to broaden their career opportunities.
Last year's financial tsunami swept the entire world. "Preserving jobs" and "supporting SMEs" are high on the Government's agenda, including those in the ICT sector. Earlier this year, Jeremy (Godfrey) (Government Chief Information Officer) and his OGCIO (Office of the Government Chief Information Officer) colleagues actively engaged representatives of ICT associations to identify measures to help ICT professionals during the economic downturn. The various brain-storming sessions gave rise to the idea of a one-stop portal where ICT professionals can look for opportunities in business, employment, and training. The portal should also be able to help them prepare for employment, become self-employed or set up a business. The idea has since been developed to include an off-line ICT career building element with the aim to provide the best service to the ICT professionals.
This initiative has our full support. The government has already provided more than $2.7 million to help kick start the preparation of the ICT Career Centre. I understand that the consortium will be submitting additional proposals to further develop and enrich the Career Centre.
As you are no doubt aware, the Chief Executive in his recent Policy Address identified six industries as being crucial to the further development of our economy. These are Educational Services, Medical Services, Environmental Industries, Testing and Certification Services, Innovation and Technology, and Cultural and Creative Industries. In all of these sectors, the ICT sector will have a key enabling role to play in promoting their development. I encourage ICT professionals and enterprises to reach out to these industries and explore opportunities for careers and business. Perhaps this might be an area for the ICT employment centre to look into?
Once again, I would like to express my heartiest appreciation for the contribution made by all participating ICT associations to bring about the inauguration of the ICT Career Centre today. Rest assured that the government will continue to give the ICT Career Centre its full support as it continues to expand opportunities for our ICT professionals and enterprises, and contributes to the development of Hong Kong into a knowledge-based digital economy.
Thank you.
Ends/Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Issued at HKT 16:25