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The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region invited applications for funding support for research and development (R&D) projects under the 2011 Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Co-operation Funding Scheme (TCFS) today (August 8).
The funding scheme, launched in 2004 by the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Innovation and Technology, serves to enhance collaboration among universities, research institutes and technology enterprises in the two places, and upgrade the technological level of industry in the Greater Pearl River Delta region. The Shenzhen municipal government joined the scheme in 2005.
Since 2007, a category of projects jointly funded by the Guangdong and Hong Kong authorities or the Shenzhen and Hong Kong authorities has been introduced to the scheme to further enhance technology co-operation between the two sides.
A spokesman for the Innovation and Technology Commission said, "The response to the scheme has been favourable. The two sides have jointly supported over 30 R&D projects since the scheme was established in 2004, with a total funding of about $200 million."
Like last year, there are three categories of projects in the scheme. The first category covers projects to be funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) of Hong Kong. The second category covers projects to be funded by the Mainland authorities. The third category covers projects to be funded jointly by the Guangdong and Hong Kong authorities or the Shenzhen and Hong Kong authorities.
"There are 23 technology areas under the first category, for which Hong Kong institutions can submit funding applications. The governments of the two sides will also jointly provide funding support for projects in 10 technology areas under the third category. The technology areas supported under the scheme are relevant to the needs of industry and will enhance economic development in the Greater Pearl River Delta region," the spokesman said.
The Commission is also inviting proposals for forward-looking and innovative applied R&D projects under Tier 3 of the Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP) of the ITF.
The deadline for applications for both the TCFS and Tier 3 of the ITSP is September 16. Application details (including the technology areas for project applications under the TCFS) can be found on the ITF website (www.itf.gov.hk). Further information can be obtained from the ITF secretariat at 20/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Tel: 2736 0055 for TCFS or 2737 2229 for Tier 3 of the ITSP; fax: 2957 8726; email: enquiry@itf.gov.hk).
Ends/Monday, August 8, 2011
Issued at HKT 15:28