The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) published today (September 20) the September 2011 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (HKMDS).
In this issue, three feature articles entitled "Composite Employment Estimates 2010", "Babies Born in Hong Kong to Mainland Women" and "Characteristics of Hong Kong Older Persons Residing in the Mainland of China" are included.
"Composite Employment Estimates 2010"
In the study of employment statistics, there is a common problem arising from the discrepancies observed between the employment data obtained from establishment-based surveys which refer to occupied posts in firms, and those data obtained from household surveys which refer to persons employed. In Hong Kong, this issue is tackled through the compilation of a set of Composite Employment Estimates (CEE) which reconcile, under a designated statistical framework, the results obtained from the household-based General Household Survey (GHS) and the establishment-based Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies (SEV).
According to the CEE, the overall employment in Hong Kong in 2010 was 3 503 000, with an annual increase of 0.5%. "Import and export trade" was the largest industry group in terms of employment. It employed 500 300 persons or 14.3% of overall employment. The next largest industry groups were "Other social and personal services", engaging 379 800 persons or 10.8% of overall employment, and "Transportation, storage, postal and courier services", engaging 319 700 persons or 9.1%.
This feature article provides the CEE figures for the reference years 2005 to 2010, based on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification Version 2.0. It also gives an account of the characteristics of CEE and briefly discusses the differences and usage of the CEE vis-à-vis the other employment figures.
For enquiries about this feature article, please call the Employment Statistics and Central Register of Establishments Section, C&SD (Tel.: 2582 4751).
"Babies Born in Hong Kong to Mainland Women"
According to law, babies born in Hong Kong to women of the mainland of China (Mainland) are entitled to the right of abode in Hong Kong, enjoying the same benefits as babies born to Hong Kong women. Many of the babies, after obtaining the birth certificates, would be taken back to the Mainland first and some may return to Hong Kong later. Several rounds of the "Survey on babies born in Hong Kong to Mainland women" have been carried out by C&SD to collect some basic information about the socio-economic characteristics of the parents and their intentions about the babies' future living arrangement. This feature article gives a brief account of the survey results.
For enquiries about this feature article, please call the Demographic Statistics Section, C&SD (Tel.: 2716 8044).
"Characteristics of Hong Kong Older Persons Residing in the Mainland of China"
C&SD conducted a supplementary enquiry via the GHS during February to March 2011 to collect information on Hong Kong older persons' experience of and aspiration for residing in the Mainland. Older persons in the enquiry refer to population aged 60 and over. This feature article presents the major findings of the supplementary enquiry.
For enquiries about this feature article, please call the General Household Survey Section (2), C&SD (Tel.: 2887 5503).
Published in bilingual form, the HKMDS is a compact volume of official statistics containing about 140 tables. It collects up-to-date statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic situation of Hong Kong. Topics include population and vital events; labour; external trade; industrial production; land, housing, building and construction; transport, communications and tourism; public accounts, money and finance; prices; commerce; social conditions; energy; and national income and Balance of Payments. For selected key statistical items, over 20 charts depicting the annual trend in the past decade and quarterly or monthly trend in the recent two years are also available.
Users can download the publication free of charge at the website of C&SD (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/products/publications/statistical_report/general_statistical_digest/index.jsp).
Print version of the publication is available for sale at HK$248 per issue. Purchase can be done in person at the Publications Unit of C&SD (Address: 19/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai; Tel.: 2582 3025) or through mail order by returning a completed order form which can be downloaded from the C&SD website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/other_services/provision_of_stat/mail_ordering_of_publications/index.jsp). Print version of the publication is also available for sale online at the Government Bookstore of the Information Services Department (www.bookstore.gov.hk).
Enquiries about the contents of the publication can be directed to the General Statistics Section (1)B of C&SD (Tel.: 2582 4738).
Ends/Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Issued at HKT 16:33