In response to media enquiries on the submission made by the Law Society of Hong Kong on the Consultation Paper on Arrangements for Filling Vacancies in the Legislative Council today (September 21), a spokesman for the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau said:
"We note the submission made by the Law Society of Hong Kong on the Consultation Paper on Arrangements for Filling Vacancies in the Legislative Council. The Administration reiterates that it has not yet determined the final option for legislation, and will consider carefully the views of the Law Society of Hong Kong and other views collected during the public consultation and decide whether the relevant proposals should be revised. We will ensure that the final proposals put to the Legislative Council for consideration will be consistent with the Basic Law. Our aim is to resume and complete the relevant legislative work within 2011/12 legislative year."
Ends/Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Issued at HKT 20:45