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District Council election candidates briefed on electoral guidelines and legislation (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Electoral Affairs Commission:

     The Chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission, Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah, today (October 3) called on candidates of the 2011 District Council election to abide by the electoral guidelines and relevant legislation and to co-operate with the Commission and the departments concerned to ensure the election will be conducted in a fair, open, honest and clean manner.

     At the briefing for candidates held this evening, Mr Justice Fung briefed candidates on the electoral arrangements and the important points to note when conducting electioneering activities.

     On election advertisements sent by electronic means, Mr Justice Fung explained to candidates the requirements set out in the existing election-related legislation and electoral guidelines.

     He pointed out that Chapter 7 of the Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the District Council Election stated that candidates are required to submit a declaration and a copy of each modified webpage after relevant websites are updated. He elaborated that this refers to alterations or updates made by candidates or their authorised persons to the contents of the election advertisements displayed on candidates’ webpages. However, this does not include alterations or updates made by other persons on the election advertisements displayed on candidates' webpages (e.g. their supporters posting comments or putting the "Like" sign on the webpages).

     "Nevertheless, if a candidate comments on or responds to the remarks made by his supporters for the purpose of promoting his election or prejudicing the election of other candidates, he must submit to the Returning Officer a declaration and a copy of the alterations or updates (including the comment threads with his supporters) made on the webpages.

     "As regards sharing of the election advertisements displayed on the webpages, if it is not made by the candidate concerned or his authorised person and the candidate himself is not aware of such an act, the candidate is not required to submit a declaration," he said.

     "I must stress that candidates are responsible for implementing measures so as to ensure that their election advertisements displayed, distributed and otherwise used on social networking websites or communication webpages on the Internet meet the requirements of the relevant legislation and electoral guidelines," Mr Justice Fung said.

     On electioneering activities conducted by candidates or their campaign teams in buildings, Mr Justice Fung reminded candidates that they have to obtain prior permission from the management bodies or organisations of the buildings to ensure the electioneering activities are carried out smoothly and lawfully.

     "If a candidate is the chairman or member of a building organisation or management body, he should be careful in handling such matters. In particular, the decision of whether to allow candidates to conduct electioneering activities in buildings must comply with the fair and equal treatment principle so as to ensure the election can be conducted in a fair manner," he said.

     Today's briefing session was arranged for candidates in the nine districts on Hong Kong Island and in Kowloon, while the session tomorrow (October 4) will be for candidates in the other nine districts in the New Territories and Islands.

     After each briefing session, the Returning Officers determine by drawing lots the order of names of the candidates in their respective districts on ballot papers and the allocation of designated spots for election advertisements.

     A total of 935 nominations were received for the District Council election. The number of valid nominations is 915, nine nominations were withdrawn and 11 nominations were ruled invalid.  The list of validly nominated candidates will be published in the Gazette.

     The full list of nominations and information on the District Council election are available on the election website (

Ends/Monday, October 3, 2011
Issued at HKT 21:35


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