Police will conduct an investigation into the delayed release of information on four wounding cases occurring in Tseung Kwan O on October 2 and 3, 2011.
A Police spokesman today (October 10) reiterated that Police never have any intention to cover up those cases.
"Since all four cases are related to public interest and public safety, Police will investigate if there is any room for improvement in the process of disseminating information or any failure to follow procedures properly.
"In fact, when we received the report of the cases, they were immediately consolidated and handed over to District Crime Squad of Kwun Tong District for follow up. Apart from carrying out background investigation, uniform and plainclothes patrols are also stepped up in the district and special operations are conducted by plainclothes officers, with a view to bringing the culprit to justice as soon as possible.
"We appreciate the public concern about the cases. We will later conduct a review on the operation with a view to securing a balance between the public’s right to know and Police operational needs," the spokesman said.
Police Report No. 20
Issued by PPRB
Ends/Monday, October 10, 2011
Issued at HKT 20:19