Two foreign men, aged 30 and 32, were jailed to 12 years and six months and 14 years respectively for drug offenses at the Court of First Instance today (October 14).
The court heard that in the afternoon of June 17, 2010, police spotted a 30-year-old man picking up an unattended briefcase in a restaurant in Central District and passed it to a 32-year-old man. Two of them were intercepted when they were about to board a private car.
Upon search, 55 cocaine bricks with a total weight of 2.2 kilograms were found contained in the briefcase carried by the 32-year-old man. Also, small quantity of cocaine was found inside the private car and on the body of the 30-year-old man.
The duo was subsequently jointly charged with one count of trafficking in dangerous drugs and each an additional charge of possession of dangerous drugs. Sentences were handed down today.
Police Report No. 22
Issued by PPRB
Ends/Friday, October 14, 2011
Issued at HKT 20:00