- FS speaks on third round of quantitative easing (with video)
- Case of Legionnaires' Disease investigated
- Fifteenth Plenary of Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference held in Guangzhou (with photos/video)
- Total recall of Typhim VI (Typhoid Vaccine) (with photo)
- Second Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Forum held in Taipei (with photo)
- CS sends letter to LegCo members-elect
- Hong Kong Observatory signs co-operation agreement with Guangdong Meteorological Bureau (with photo)
- Prudential supervisory measures for mortgage lending
- Special traffic and transport arrangements for public processions on Hong Kong Island this Sunday
- Seminar on Chinese Medicines concludes successfully (with photos)
- Potters invited to enter "2013 Tea Ware by Hong Kong Potters" competition
- Update on cluster of Clostridium Difficile cases in Kowloon Hospital
- Appointment of CityU Council Chairman
- Chief Executive's Office statement
- Incentive scheme for ocean-going vessels using cleaner fuel while berthing in Hong Kong receives applications
- Progress of the HKMA's investigations in Lehman-Brothers-related cases
- Two approved outline zoning plans referred back for amendment
- Analytical Accounts of the Exchange Fund
- Hong Kong's Gross National Income and external primary income flows for the second quarter of 2012
- Case of tetanus under investigation
- Heritage Museum holds large-scale exhibition for master of Lingnan school of painting Au Ho-nien (with photos)
- Draft Yim Tin Tsai and Ma Shi Chau Development Permission Area Plan approved
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Draft Kai Tak Outline Zoning Plan approved
- Forty EPD convictions in August
- Judicial appointments
- Red flags lowered at Lido Beach and Casam Beach
- Appointment of chairman and members to Steering Committee on the Provision of Legal Advice for Litigants in Person
- First convicted case for illegal fishing with non-local fishing vessel in Hong Kong waters
- Appointments to Veterinary Surgeons Board of Hong Kong
- Appointments to Expert Committee on Food Safety
- Grading of beach water quality released
- Auction of traditional vehicle registration marks to be held on October 6
- Hong Kong Monetary Authority Exchange Fund Notes Tender Result
- Meetings of Legislative Council committees
- Suspension of appointment of two boiler inspectors
- Missing man located
- Land acquisition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project
- Extension of CITIC Tower footbridge to LegCo Complex at Tamar gazetted
- Lido Beach and Casam Beach temporarily closed
- Red flags hoisted
- Hong Kong Sinfonietta's Toronto debut conducted by Yip Wing-sie (with photos)
- Hong Kong is a springboard for UK companies to reach the key markets of East Asia, says Director General of HKETO London (with photos)