Police are investigating a fatal traffic accident in Tai Po this afternoon (January 10) in which an 80-year-old man was killed.
At about 1.10pm, a medium goods vehicle (MGV) driven by a 64-year-old man was travelling along an unknown slip at Kwong Fuk Estate. When turning right into Kwong Wang Street, it reportedly knocked down the 80-year-old man who was crossing the road. Sustaining multiple body injuries, the man was rushed to Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital in unconscious state and was later certified dead at 1.31pm.
The MGV driver was arrested for dangerous driving causing death and is being detained for further enquiries.
Investigations by the Special Investigation Team of Traffic, New Territories North are underway.
Anyone who witnessed the accident or has any information to offer is urged to contact the investigating officers at 3661 3800.
Add Police Report No. 151
Issued by PPRB
Ends/Thursday, January 10, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:35