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First INTERPOL Anti Trans-National Financial Crime Working Group meeting held in Hong Kong (with photos)

     The first INTERPOL Project ATFC (Anti Trans-National Financial Crime) Working Group Meeting co-hosted by the Commercial Crime Bureau of Hong Kong Police and the INTERPOL Liaison Office Bangkok (LOBANG) was opened in Hong Kong today (January 15).

     The two-day meeting held at Hong Kong Police Headquarters aims at bringing together senior criminal investigators and intelligence professionals involved in the investigation of transnational financial crime to discuss current and future threats, challenges and the best ways to counter them.

     The focus for the first meeting will be on financial crimes which are committed through the Internet, mobile and telephone fraud and pre-payment fraud. Representatives from law enforcement agencies from 12 different places including China, Macau, Singapore, Japan, Mongolia, India, Sri Lanka and the Philippines will take this opportunity to enhance communication and strengthen working partnerships throughout the Region.

     Officiating at the opening of the meeting, the Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime), Mr Lo Mung-hung, said that financial related crime has no borders or boundaries and with the advent of the Internet it had given criminals the opportunity to be invisible when they prey on their targets.
He believed the law enforcement representatives attending the conference could gain a better appreciation of the problems they all face, and share knowledge and experiences that they could take home and adopt, which would contribute to keeping the Asian and South Pacific Region stable and free from financial crimes.

     The meeting comprise discussion and presentations by the participants on organised aspects of transnational financial crime and related issues. The Chief Superintendent of Commercial Crime Bureau, Mr Chung Siu-yeung, who is also the Chairman of the meeting, and the Head of LOBANG, Ms Malathi Muthu Veran, will be the moderators.

     Key note speeches on current trends in data exchange and personal data protection were also delivered at today’s morning session by Mr Augustine Chiew, Chairman of the INTERPOL Cyber Crime Operational Experts Group, and Dr Joseph A. Cannataci, Professor Chair in European Information Policy and Technology Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Police Report No. 233

Ends/Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Issued at HKT 17:15


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