- One more man holding charged with murder
- Princess Margaret Hospital announces sentinel event
- Hong Kong Customs seizes methamphetamine at Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point (with photo)
- CE meets acting Governor of Shandong Province (with photo)
- Cluster of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci cases in Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- LegCo Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene visits public markets (with photos)
- Government to sell Murray Building at Cotton Tree Drive by public tender
- Transport Complaints Unit receives fewer complaints in first quarter of 2013
- Tender awarded for site in Tsing Yi
- TAC supports proposal to enhance special helping measures for major outlying island ferry routes
- Update on number of suspected human cases of avian influenza A(H7) notified
- Hong Kong and Republic of Korea sign Agreement on Transfer of Sentenced Persons (with photos)
- DH promotes healthy lifestyles in the community (with photo)
- First report of Child Fatality Review Panel released (with photo)
- Operator and manager fined for illegal guesthouse operations
- Hong Kong as an Information Society (2013 Edition) published
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- SFH on Tai Shing Street Market
- Hong Kong to participate in negotiations on trade in services agreement among some WTO members
- Appeal for information on missing woman in Kwun Tong(with photo)
- Agenda of tomorrow's LegCo meeting revised
- Speech by SFST at launching press conference on iBond (with photo/video)
- CE meets Chairman of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (with photo)
- SED to lead delegation to Korea
- Government launches iBond (with photos)
- Hong Kong Monetary Authority Exchange Fund Bills Tender Results
- Red flag hoisted at Pui O Beach
- Public urged to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease
- International Children's Film Carnival 2013 additional screenings at HK Film Archive (with photos)
- HIV/AIDS situation in first quarter of 2013
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley tomorrow
- Village Representative Election voter registration campaign starts
- Red flags hoisted at Lower Cheung Sha Beach and Lo So Shing Beach