The Home Affairs Bureau today (May 31) announced the results of applications for the second round funding exercise of the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme. For this round, a total of 14 successful applications will be funded under Springboard Grants and Project Grants at a ceiling fund amount of $33.86 million.
The Funding Scheme has been met with an encouraging response from the arts sector and a total of 68 applications were received for the second round funding exercise. The successful applications are quality proposals under various art forms including music, dance, drama, visual arts, arts education and multi-disciplinary arts.
The successful applicants (in alphabetical order) are as follows:
Name of Organisation Title of Proposal
Alice Theatre Laboratory Total Theatre Project
Limited - An Experimental
City Chamber Orchestra The Magic Jungle
of Hong Kong Limited (Music-Theatre)
Fotanian Limited Fotanian Arts Promotion
Program 2014
Hong Kong Association Parallel Space:
of Theatre Technicians & Hong Kong Scenography
Scenographers Company Design Exhibition 2013
Hong Kong New Music The Modern Academy
Ensemble Limited
Jingkun Theatre Limited Lecture-demonstrations
on Jingju and Kunqu
Opera Hong Kong Limited * Enhancing Opera
Development in Hong Kong
orleanlaiproject Project ACROSS
Premiere Performances of Capacity Development for
Hong Kong Limited * Premiere Performances
of Hong Kong Limited
Prism Creation Limited Arts Promotion News
Network Pilot Scheme
Shakespeare4All Company IMPACT: Hong Kong-London
Limited Teachers Professional
Development in Drama
Theatre du Pif Limited <Now Project> -
development of local
actors and an engaging
theatre programme
for the community
Wind Mill Grass Theatre Grassy Plain Project
Limited * 2014-2016
Y-space (HK) Limited i-Dance Festival (Hong
Kong) 2014
* Successful applicants for Springboard Grant
Note: The award of grants is subject to the successful applicants' signing of funding agreements with the Government.
Introduced in 2011, the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme is administered by the Home Affairs Bureau, with the Advisory Committee on Arts Development giving advice and conducting assessment on applications. Under the Scheme, there are Springboard Grants, with matching elements, as well as Project Grants. The Funding Scheme seeks to provide funding support for innovative and impactful proposals that contribute to the objectives of capacity development of arts practitioners and arts groups, programme/content development, audience building and arts education. It also seeks to encourage the community and the private sector to support and sponsor arts and cultural initiatives, opening up new funding avenues for activities/projects of a large scale and/or of a long time frame and providing new funding opportunities for initiatives to enhance overall capacity development.
Ends/Friday, May 31, 2013
Issued at HKT 19:07