- FS visits Taipei (with photos)
- CE meets Governor of Jiangxi Province (with photo)
- Transcript of remarks by STH after Housing Authority's annual special open meeting
- Intangible Cultural Heritage of Guizhou exhibition opens at Hong Kong Central Library (with photos)
- LegCo Members meet with Tsuen Wan and Southern District Council members (with photos)
- LegCo Members visit Nga Tsin Wai Village (with photos)
- Public urged not to buy or use slimming products with undeclared and banned drug ingredients (with photo)
- Retail shop raided for suspected illegal possession of controlled medicine
- SRPA's response to media enquiries
- DH assists police investigation into HCVS reimbursement claims by Chinese medicine practitioner
- Hong Kong Customs seizes cocaine worth $2 million at airport (with photo)
- SEN and delegates visit resource recovery facilities in Taipei (with photos)
- Review on implementation of New Senior Secondary curriculum and assessment
- Update on number of suspected human cases of avian influenza A(H7) notified
- SED visits Sai Kung District (with photos)
- Proprietor fined for violation of safety rules
- Hammer Hill Road Swimming Pool temporarily closed
- Outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease under CHP investigation
- Government appoints new URA Board Chairman
- Statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for the first quarter of 2013
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Appeal for information on person fell from height case in Wong Tai Sin
- Registration for parents' seminar on HKDSE examination results release and multiple pathways
- Additional performances of magic theatre "MAN2BOY" (with photos)
- Transcript of remarks by SFH
- Additional overseas case of Severe Respiratory Disease associated with Novel Coronavirus closely monitored by DH
- Part 2 of Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities) Ordinance to come into effect on Monday
- Flag raising ceremony cancelled