- Police stage charity concerts to celebrate its 170th anniversary (with photos)
- Recall of an unregistered proprietary Chinese medicine (with photo)
- Opening remarks by SEN at special meeting of LegCo Finance Committee
- Opening remarks by S for S at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting
- Government launches Maritime and Aviation Training Fund
- Notification system for guesthouse licence applications takes effect
- Hong Kong students excel in international computer-based assessment of problem solving, reading literacy and mathematical literacy
- MD announcement
- Man fined for managing unlicensed guesthouse
- Advisory Committee on Sustainable Fisheries Development Fund holds first meeting
- SCMA answers question at media session
- Efforts to review application for outside seating accommodation permission by restaurants lauded
- Public urged not to buy or use unregistered pharmaceutical products (with photos)
- Government to sell site in Wan Chai by public tender
- Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Wuhan commences operation (with photo)
- Communications Authority press release
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Judicial appointment
- SCMA's opening remarks at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting
- Company and its director fined for wage offences and Labour Tribunal award payment default
- Observatory launches nine-day weather forecast service
- Hong Kong Monetary Authority Exchange Fund Bills tender results
- SCED's speech at Prime Source Forum 2014 (English only)
- All gazetted beaches continue to meet Water Quality Objectives (with photos)
- IRD issues tax returns for 2013-14
- Red flag hoisted at St Stephen's Beach
- CHP notified of additional human case of avian influenza A(H7N9) in Mainland
- Temporary suspension of flushing water supply in Admiralty, Wan Chai, Happy Valley, Causeway Bay and Tai Hang districts
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley tomorrow
- Red flags hoisted at Shek O Beach and Big Wave Bay Beach
- Flag-raising ceremony cancelled