- SHA congratulates HK athlete Lee Wai-sze on winning the first medal of Asian Games (with photo)
- CE congratulates Lee Wai-sze for winning the first gold medal in Asian Games
- Customs and Marine Police foil suspected smuggling of latest mobile phones by speedboat (with photos)
- Government's response to media enquiries
- Delegation of the Legislative Council concludes its visit in Northern Europe (with photos)
- SHA continues visit in Incheon (with photos)
- CE meets Chairperson of Council of the Federation of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (with photo)
- Applications for subsidy scheme on retrofitting refuse collection vehicles to close on September 30 (with photo)
- Liquor Licensing Board to meet on Tuesday
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Sha Tin
- Novice director hits home run
- Red flags hoisted at some beaches (2)
- Red flags hoisted at some beaches