The Liberal Studies (LS) subject is a new core subject under the New Senior Secondary Curriculum framework. It is interdisciplinary by nature and aims to enable students to prepare for their future life and to play multiple roles within society. According to a recent survey among Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) graduates in 2013, more than 70 per cent agreed that LS helped them develop critical thinking skills, a solid knowledge base, thinking modes using multiple perspectives, and awareness to contemporary issues. Schools have gained experience and confidence in implementing LS over the last few years.
Building on such initial success and in view of long-term development, the curriculum and assessment framework, and the implementation ( e.g. functional role of LS in the whole curriculum, its curriculum aims, the balance and relevance of modules' content, catering for student diversity, interface with junior secondary, examination's design, and its alignment with the curriculum) require updating and improvement.
The first batch of recommendations under the New Academic Structure medium-term review has been completed and announced in April 2014. Independent Enquiry Study (IES) of LS was consulted and proposed to adopt a structured enquiry approach with clear guidelines. Revision of the IES assessment framework has been completed and students at S4 in 2014/15 ( i.e. 2017 HKDSE students) will use the new approach to carry out IES. While the second batch of recommendations of the medium-term review is still carrying on, views and discussion on the curriculum and assessment framework of LS are being collected. In addition, there will be further consultation from November 2014 (e.g. survey, focus groups, forums) for all stakeholders (e.g. teachers, tertiary institutions, employers) to ensure sufficient discussion. With reference to views and opinions at all stages, the final recommendations of the medium-term review and the long-term development of LS will be announced in July 2015.
All along, the Education Bureau, Curriculum Development Council and Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) will implement the review step by step in accordance with professional and "student learning-centred" principles. In this light, various events and discussions are organised by the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau and HKEAA, based on needs and schedules. It is worth pointing out that these review activities are not specifically related to the recent "Occupy Central" incidents and are not held as a result of any instruction from any government senior officials. We hope that all sectors should avoid intruding with political matters into school curriculum development. We also hope respect be paid towards the existing professional mechanism of curriculum and assessment development in Hong Kong.
Ends/Sunday, October 26, 2014
Issued at HKT 23:45