- Recall of mislabelled proprietary Chinese medicine (with photo)
- CFS finds excessive pesticide residues in three vegetable and fruit samples
- Police committed to protecting public safety and public order
- Bogus marriage syndicate smashed by Immigration Department
- Red tide at Stanley Main Beach dissipated
- Transcript of remarks by S for S
- A relatively warm November
- Appointments to Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee
- SHA's Commendation Scheme Presentation Ceremony (with photos)
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- Red flag lowered at Golden Beach
- Auction of personalised vehicle registration marks on December 20
- E-APP to launch new round of applications tomorrow
- Hong Kong Monetary Authority Exchange Fund Bills tender results
- STH to lead delegation to promote HK logistics services in Malaysia
- Land Registry releases statistics for November
- Ping Shan Tin Shui Wai Swimming Pool temporarily closed
- SWD launches new API on prevention of domestic violence (with photo)
- SHA to visit Guangzhou
- EMSD urges public to suspend use of three models of feeding bottle steriliser
- Hong Kong Flower Show 2015 commercial stalls to be auctioned tomorrow
- More than 400 musicians to perform in Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra annual concert
- Zoo education exhibition to showcase cat family
- Red tides at Silverstrand Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach dissipated
- SFST promotes Hong Kong as premium offshore Renminbi hub in Paris (with photos)
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley tomorrow
- Speech by PSFS at Opening Ceremony of InsuranceCom Management Conference (English only)
- HKMA's update on operation of banking system and financial market
- Red flags hoisted at Silverstrand Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach