- Princess Margaret Hospital announces tuberculosis case
- Wounding case in Central reclassified as manslaughter
- Missing man in Sau Mau Ping located
- DFEH deeply grieved by death of hawker control officer
- LegCo meeting to continue tomorrow
- Patient with respiratory symptoms and travel history under CHP investigation
- SCS offers deepest condolences to family of late hawker control officer
- SFH offers deepest condolences
- Chief Executive deeply saddened by death of FEHD's hawker control officer
- SCED concludes visit to Russia (with photos)
- LCQ17: Community halls and community centres
- Persons in custody obtain certificates for Professional Taxi Driver (Taxi Written Test) training course (with photos)
- LC: Speech by SFH on proposed resolution under Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance
- MD announcement (2)
- Hong Kong bans import of poultry meat and products from Merced County, California, US
- LCQ22: Seasonal influenza
- Latest update of surveillance data in winter influenza season
- LCQ15: Protests against parallel traders
- LCQ13: Regulation of investment-linked assurance schemes
- LC: SFST's speech in moving the Vote on Account Resolution
- Company fined for illegal club operation
- Operator and managers fined for illegal guesthouse operations
- SEN to visit Guangzhou tomorrow
- LC: Speech by CS on proposed resolution on Criminal Appeal (Amendment) Rules 2015
- LC: Speech by CS on proposed resolution on Coroners (Witnesses' Allowances) (Amendment) Rules 2015
- LC: Speech by CS on proposed resolution on Criminal Procedure (Witnesses' Allowances) (Amendment) Rules 2015
- Effective Exchange Rate Index
- LCQ11: Hong Kong permanent identity cards
- Appointment to Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service
- CSSA caseload for February
- LCQ2: Combating parallel trading activities
- Standard Working Hours Committee holds 11th meeting
- LCQ21: Pre-primary education
- Hong Kong movies at San Francisco CAAMFest (English only) (with photos)
- Excessive pesticide residues found in choi sum and Chinese white cabbage samples
- LCQ8: Collection of stamp duties and land premium
- LCQ16: Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme
- LCQ3: Measures to improve the physical fitness and health of the youths
- LCQ6: Operation of commercial bathhouses
- LCQ12: Proposal of rezoning a "Green Belt" site in Tai Wo Ping
- Revamped Data.Gov.HK portal to release public sector information in digital formats
- LCQ10: Redevelopment of buildings developed under the Civil Servants' Cooperative Building Society Scheme
- LCQ4: Support services for street sleepers
- LCQ19: Dissemination of details of the public opinion surveys commissioned by the Government
- LCQ14: Designated Car Testing Centres
- LCQ5: The arrangement for CE's report to Central People's Government
- LCQ9: Marine park fishing permits
- Red flag lowered at Clear Water Bay Second Beach
- LCQ18: Anti-drug measures
- LCQ20: Financial co-operation between Guangdong and Hong Kong
- LCQ1: Regulation of crowdfunding
- LCQ7: Number of visitor arrivals to Hong Kong and Hong Kong's capacity to receive them
- Special arrangements on submission of tenders arising from temporary closure of Government Secretariat Tender Box
- Commemorative stamp issue: "The 25th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Basic Law" (with photos)
- Special traffic arrangements for race meeting in Happy Valley
- MD announcement