- Update on suspected food poisoning cases
- Travellers with fever tests negative for MERS-CoV
- SHA compliments Hong Kong Special Olympics athletes
- Missing man in Sau Mau Ping located
- HAD opens temporary night heat shelters
- Building a greener future
- Update on cluster of Rhinovirus cases at Siu Lam Hospital
- SHA joins fitness exercise on Sport For All Day 2015 (with photos)
- Wan Chai District launches Clean Hong Kong Campaign (with photos)
- SFH on Clean Hong Kong Campaign and lead in drinking water incidents
- Speech by SLW at 6th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (English only)
- HAD opens temporary heat shelters
- CHP reminds public on precautions against heat stroke under very hot weather
- Assess the risk of heat stroke to employees
- Very Hot Weather Warning issued