The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (February 15) called on the public to note the latest recall batches of four kinds of RAW Meal Organic Shake & Meal Replacement products (chocolate, original, vanilla and vanilla chai) produced by Garden of Life, LLC in the United States (US), as the products might have been contaminated with salmonella, a pathogen. The public should not consume the affected products. The trade should also stop using or selling the products concerned immediately if they still have them in their possession.
A CFS spokesman said, "The Centre received a notification from the US Food and Drug Administration last week that several batches of meal replacement products manufactured by the above-mentioned manufacturer were suspected to be contaminated with salmonella and needed to be recalled. The CFS further learned from the authority that the recall had been expanded to cover other batches of the four kinds of meal replacement products, with expiry dates of August 1, August 31, November 30 and December 31, 2017 (Details set out in Appendix)."
"Since last week, the CFS has not only alerted the public and trade to the incident, but also contacted major local importers and conducted sales checks at local outlets. For the sake of prudence, the trade has been advised to stop selling and taking the same kind of food products including those of different batches off the shelves.
"Preliminary investigation by the CFS, according to the latest recall list, found that oGreen. hk and buystation in Causeway Bay had sold one of the products set out in that recall list, namely RAW Organic Meal Chocolate Half Size (Lot number: 47243000). According to the information provided by the vendors concerned, they have stopped selling and removed from shelves the incriminated product according to CFS' advice. They will also recall the affected products. Members of the public may call the hotline at 5128 1427 during office hours for enquiries about the recall," the spokesman added.
The spokesman said that the CFS would alert the trade to the latest situation. The trade should stop using or selling the affected products immediately should they have imported and still possess them. At the same time, the spokesman reminded members of the public who had bought the affected product to immediately stop consumption.
"Salmonella infection may cause fever and gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. The effects on infants, young children, the elderly and patients with a weak immune system could be more severe and sometimes may even lead to death," he said.
The CFS will continue to follow up on the incident and take appropriate action. Investigation is ongoing.
Ends/Monday, February 15, 2016
Issued at HKT 21:55