Cord Blood Banking
“Cord blood banking” refers to the processing, testing, cryopreservation, storage, listing, search, selection, reservation, release and distribution of cord blood units intended for administration. In Hong Kong, there exist public and private cord blood banks. Although these cord blood banks may not require special license to provide service on cord blood banking, current regulations may still apply to various activities of these cord blood banks. Information on the existing regulatory framework as well as some recommendations to cord blood banks is prepared to facilitate the trade to implement good practice in the field.
The Department of Health has also prepared information for consumers on cord blood banking, which can be accessed here. The trade and researchers may also find more information on the subject at the Useful Links.
Cell Therapy
Cell therapy is the administration of products (i.e. somatic cell-based product that is collected from a donor, including collection for self use, and intended for processing and administration) with the intent for providing effector cells in the treatment of disease or support of other therapy. Certain cell therapy procedures, e.g. blood transfusion and bone marrow transplantation, are examples that have been widely used and are incorporated into existing treatment protocols (hence are not discussed here). However, other cell therapies, e.g. stem cell treatment or regenerative medicine, are emerging areas in the medical field that require regulation because of their risks involved. In many cases, stem cell products or other cell-based products would be regulated as pharmaceutical products in Hong Kong. Information on the existing regulatory framework as well as some recommendations to persons or companies who involved in the processing of stem cells or cell-based products is prepared to facilitate legal compliance and the implementation of good practice in the field.
The Department of Health has also prepared information for consumers on cell therapy, which can be accessed here. The trade and researchers may also find more information on the subject at the Useful Links.