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Publicity Activities before Commencement of Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) Ordinance 2005


Publicity Activities before Commencement of Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (UMA(A)O)

To assist the trade to better understand the new regulations under “Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) Ordinance 2005” (UMA(A)O), the Department of Health (DH) has launched various publicity activities and maintained close communication with the trade since 2005. The details are as follow:

Year 2005The "Guidelines on Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) Ordinance 2005" was prepared under close consultation with the trade
Year 2006The "Guidelines on Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) Ordinance 2005" was uploaded to the webpage of Pharmaceutical Service*, DH

DH issued letters to the trade to brief them about the UMA(A)O

Briefing sessions regarding the implementation of UMA(A)O were held for the trade

Year 2010The "Guidelines on the Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) Ordinance 2005" was revised (the Guidelines) and uploaded to the webpage of Pharmaceutical Service* DH

Year 2011

Letters to inform the trade about the latest progress of implementing UMA(A)O and the Guidelines were sent to the trade and stakeholders

Briefing sessions regarding the implementation of UMA(A)O were organized for traders of western medicine, Chinese proprietary medicine and health food, as well as publishing companies and other stakeholders. For details, please click here

A brief on UMA(A)O was published in Chinese Medicines Traders Newsletter (Issue No. 5, June 2011) (Chinese version only) and Newsletter for Chinese Medicines Practitioners (Issue No. 27, April 2011) issued by Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. For details, please visit the website of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong at and

A meeting was held with the Retail Task Force of the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee in June 2011 to brief the members about the plan of implementation of UMA(A)O

Information related to the “Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance” and UMA(A)O were provided in the webpage of Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office. For details, please visit

Year 2012A press statement was issued on 13th January 2012 to announce the publication of the “Undesirable Medical Advertisements (Amendment) Ordinance 2005 (Commencement) Notice 2012” in the gazette and to inform the public that the provisions related to the control of health claims of orally consumed products will commence on 1st June 2012

News-in-brief about the commencement date of UMA(A)O was published in Drug News (Issue No. 27, January 2012) issued by Drug Office, DH

In February 2012, another round of letters and the Guidelines were sent to inform the trade and stakeholders of the commencement date of the remaining provisions of UMA(A)O

Two briefing sessions regarding the implementation of UMA(A)O were held for the trade in March and April 2012 respectively

News-in-brief about the commencement date of UMA(A)O was published in the Public Health & Epidemiology Bulletin (Vol. 21 No. 1, April 2012) issued by the Centre for Health Protection, DH. For details, please visit the website of Centre for Health Protection, DH at

News-in-brief about the commencement date of UMA(A)O was published in the Newsletter for Chinese Medicines Practitioners (Issue No. 30, April 2012) issued by the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong. For details, please visit the website of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong at

In May 2012, further round of letters were sent to remind the trade and stakeholders that the remaining provisions of UMA(A)O will commence on 1st June 2012

A press statement was issued on 31st May 2012 to announce that the provisions related to the control of health claims of "orally consumed products” under UMA(A)O will commence on 1st June 2012

* Pharmaceutical Service is renamed as Drug Office since 1st September 2011