Scientific Name : Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J. Presl
Common Name : Camphor Tree
Chinese Name : 樟, 樟树, 樟脑树
Local distribution status : Native species
Ecology | Camphor Tree is a native species of Hong Kong and also a common plant in Fung Shui Wood. The species provides both food and shelter to the local butterflies and birds. |
Origins | Widely distributed in the provinces on the southern side of Chang Jiang River in China. It is also distributed in Korea, Japan and Vietnam. |
Applications | All parts of the plant are camphor-scented, which is one of its identifying traits. Its crown is broad with very dense branches and leaves, making it an excellent ornamental tree. Its volatile oil can be refined into camphor through a distillation process. Camphor can be applied in folk medicines, incense, pesticides and repellents, etc. The entire plant can be applied in Traditional Chinese Medicines, possessing painkilling, itch relieving, cardiotonic and antibacterial properties. Its timber can be crafted into furniture, sculptures, boats, etc. |
City Tree | In China, 36 cities selected the Camphor Tree as their City Tree, including Nanchang, Changsha, Wuxi, Suzhou, Jiaxing, etc. |
Old and Valuable Trees (OVTs) | In Hong Kong, there are currently 44 Camphor Tree individuals registered as OVTs. The one located in She Shan Tsuen of Tai Po has a 3-meter Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), while the estimated age of the one growing in Lai Chi Wo of Sha Tau Kok exceeds 100 years. For details, please visit the following website – |
Growing habit | Evergreen tree. Crown broadly ovoid. |
Height | To 30 m. |
Stems | Bark of trunk yellowish brown, with irregular longitudinal fissures. |
Leaves | Simple leaves alternate. Ovate-elliptic in shape, apex acute, distinctly triplinerved, middle vein obvious. Subleathery in texture, margin entire, sometimes undulate. Terminal buds broadly ovoid to globose, enclosed by bud scales. Axiles of lateral veins with conspicuous domatia abaxially. Leaf blade turning orange-red to dark red before defoliation. |
Flowers | Greenish white to yellowish green. Perianth lobes 6, lobes elliptic. |
Fruits | Drupe, purplish black when mature, subglobose. Fruit receptacle cup-shaped (cupuliform). |
Flowering period | April to May in Hong Kong. |
Fruiting period | August to November in Hong Kong. |
Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :
Scientific names from other databases
― Flora of China : Cinnamomum camphora (Linnaeus) J. Presl
― Plants of the World Online : Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.Presl