Golden Leaves

Scientific Name : Ficus microcarpa L.f. 'Golden Leaves'
Common Name : Golden Leaves
Chinese Name : 黄金榕, 黄榕
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origin Ficus microcarpa (Chinese Banyan) is native to Southern China, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, Eastern Australia and the Ryukyu Islands.
Meanings of names The generic name Ficus referring to the emblematic fruit type of this genus. The specific epithet microcarpa means small-fruited. The cultivator epithet ‘Golden Leaves’ describes its golden-green foliage which are a cultivated characteristic distinct from the wild Ficus microcarpa (Chinese Banyan).
Vitality Inheriting the vigour from Chinese Banyan, Golden Leaves also shows a strong resilience to dynamic environments. It can tolerate strong wind, salt, drought and pollutants, hence considered as a great alternative for roadsides and parks.
Application As an eminent ornamental species, Golden Leaves is valued for its versatility. It can be grown either in solitary or mix-planting. In small parks and gardens, it is always planted in parks as a surrogate of Chinese Banyan due to its relatively willowy tree form and evident golden foliage. Since the tree is hardy to prune, it is always shaped into a spherical appearance, serving as topiaries and hedges. The tree with this character, however, is a double-edged sword and requires a heavy pruning practice for maintaining a decent shape.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Evergreen tree or shrub.
Height To 12 m.
Root Aerial roots hanging down from old branches, eventually lignified after reaching the ground.
Stem Bark smooth, light grey, lenticellate. Branchlets pale red, with leaf scars.
Leaves Simple leaves alternate. Blade leathery, glabrous, elliptic, juvenile leaves more golden, ovate-elliptic or obovate, base cuneate, apex obtuse, margin entire, basal veins 3, connecting into intramarginal veins near margin. Stipules lanceolate, caducous.
Flower Monecious. Hypanthodium axillary, subglobose, sessile.
Fruit Syconia turning red when mature.
Flowering period /
Fruiting period /

Scientific name above is based on the website of Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section, Development Bureau:
