Chekiang Machilus, Zhejiang Machilus

Scientific Name : Machilus chekiangensis S. K. Lee
Common Name : Chekiang Machilus, Zhejiang Machilus
Chinese Name : 浙江润楠, 长序润楠
Local distribution status : Native species

Anecdotes on plants

Origin Zhejiang, Fujian.
Ecology Chekiang Machilus is known as an early successional tree which is fast growing and light demanding. Including Chekiang Machilus, Machilus ssp. such as Machilus breviflora (Short-flowered Machilus) and Machilus pauhoi (Many-nerved Machilus) have occupied a discernible proportion of tree canopy of the forests and ruled out the species which grow rampantly in grasslands and are less acclimatised to shady environments.
Vitality Chekiang Machilus shows excellent tolerance to shade and barren soils.
Application Its branches and leaves are valued for versatile medicinal functions; they are usually used for dispersing swelling, relieving phlegm, blood and pain, and curing bronchitis and scalds.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Evergreen tree.
Height To 10 m.
Stem Bark brown, with scattered labiate lenticels. Young branches with notable bud scale scars at the base.
Leaves Simple leaves alternate, commonly aggregated at the apex of branchlets. Leaf blade oblanceolate, base tapering, apex often cuspidate, puberulent when young, becoming glabrous later, leathery or thinly leathery when mature, midrib of abaxial leaf apparently raised. Large bud scale is a characteristic of Chekiang Machilus.
Flower Panicles at the base of current year's branchlets. Tepals 6, yellow green, puberulent.
Fruit Drupes globose, fleshy, black at maturity.
Flowering period February in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period April to May in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :

Scientific names from other databases 
Flora of China : Machilus chekiangensis S. K. Lee
Plants of the World Online : Machilus chekiangensis S. K. Lee 
