Scientific Name : Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem. ex K. Schum. var. kerrii Sprague
Common Name : Cat-tail Tree
Chinese Name : 猫尾木, 西南猫尾木
Local distribution status : Exotic species
Origin | It is widely distributed in South China and Southeast Asia, such as Thailand and Laos. |
Ecology | Cat-tail Tree is planted as a pioneer species in some countries. Its flowers and fruits are appealing to birds and bats. |
Application | Cat-tail Tree is always planted for its excellent ornamental value in parks and gardens in respect of its outstanding blossoms and fruits. When you see its fruits next time, enjoy its fluffy pericarp! |
Meanings of name |
The common name ‘Cat-tail Tree’ refers to its cat-tail like fruits. In legend from China, cats lived in heaven and were responsible for human world. In one day, they were sent to solve a rodent infestation. Initially, they were very vigorous of foraging mice. Could because of being fatigued and bored, the cats made a reconciliation with mice and started being apathetic and fat. The rodent problem developed rampantly and ultimately became intractable. The news shocked the gods and they decided to punish the cats for their undutifulness. To evade capture by the gods, the cats transformed themselves into trees while changed their tails into fruits. The specific epithet stipulata is a Latin word for stipules, referring to its notable pair of ‘stipules’ at the base of petioles, while they are actually reduced leaflets. This is the origin of the Chinese legend“Cat-tail wood” . |
Growing habit | Evergreen tree. |
Height | To 15 m. |
Stem | Densely rust yellow-brown pubescent to tomentose when young. |
Leaves | Imparipinnately compound opposite, leaflets 3-9 pairs, opposite, with a pair of reduced leaflets at the base of petiole. Leaflet blade papery, densely rusty yellow pubescent when young, oblong, elliptic-oblong, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, apex caudate-acuminate, base rounded, margin entire to serrulate. |
Flower | Corolla funnelform, irregularly folded, yellow, corolla tube bottom reddish brown or purple. Stamens and style included. |
Fruit | Capsules linear, compressed, densely yellowish brown tomentose, like a cat tail. Seeds long elliptic, winged. |
Flowering period | October to November in Hong Kong. |
Fruiting period | April to June in Hong Kong. |
Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website:
Scientific names from other databases
― Flora of China: Markhamia stipulata (Wallich) Seemann ex K. Schumann
― Plants of the World Online: Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem.