Rosy Trumpet Tree, Pink Tecoma

Scientific Name : Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC.
Common Name : Rosy Trumpet Tree, Pink Tecoma
Chinese Name : 洋红风铃木
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origin Ranging from Mesoamerica to South America, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and French Guiana.

Rosy Trumpet Tree is highly regarded as an ornamental tree mainly due to its spectacular rose blossoms during the spring. As a result, the tree is nominated as the national tree of El Salvador, vernacularly known as Maquilíshuat.

The tree is versatile in America for multiple uses. In the Northern Coast of Colombia, people often use its bark extract for tackling the skin diseases induced by fungi and yeast. In addition, some studies reveal that the methanolic extracts of Rosy Trumpet Tree are anti-ulcerogenic, antimycobacterial and hepatoprotective; they are potential for drug development. In Mesoamerica, the wood is demanded for making furniture, ships and other constructions .
Meaning of names The generic name Tabebuia comes from tabebuia and taiaverulia, the Brazilian vernaculars how the local people refer to this genus. The specific epithet rosea refers to its rose blossoms. In respect of its trumpet-like blossoms, it is also given the common name as ‘Rosy Trumpet Tree’.
Rosy Trumpet Tree and Purple Tabebuia (Tabebuia impetiginosa) Both trees are categorized into same genus, they are outwardly imperceptible, with showy trumpet-like flowers in purplish pink. The types of indumenta covering on plants are a trick for identifying the trees. While leaf veins and calyxes and the outside of corolla of Purple Tabebuia are covered with hairs, those of Rosy Trumpet Tree are lepidote. Likewise, the calyx of Purple Tabebuia tends to be 5-dentated at the apex, while the one of Rosy Trumpet Tree is bilabiate.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Deciduous tree.
Height To 30 m.
Stem Bark gray-brown or black-brown, tough, longitudinally lobed. Branchlets pendulous, spiny.
Leaves Palmately compound opposite, leaflets 5. Blade ovate to elliptic, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate to rounded, entire, lepidote above and below.
Flowers Hermaphroditic. Calyx campanulate and bilabiate. Corolla 5-lobed, tubular, purplish pink, corolla tube cream.
Fruits Capsules elongated cylindrical, dark brown and dehiscent at maturity. Seeds winged.
Flowering period /
Fruiting period /

Scientific name above is based on Plant of the World Online: 

Scientific names from other databases:
GBIF : Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC.
