Wood-oil Tree

Scientific Name : Vernicia montana Lour.
Common Name : Wood-oil Tree
Chinese Name : 木油树,千年桐,皱桐
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins Scattered throughout eastern China and southwestern provinces, but also distributed in Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar and other places.
Vitality The tree is relatively tolerant to diseases and pests. Giving good drainage and aeration soils can effortlessly grow a vigorous Wood-oil Tree.
Application The seeds of Vernicia species are oily, and the extracts are the primary source of Tung oil. Tung oil in markets generally refers to the extracts from Wood-oil Tree or Vernicia fordii (Tung Tree). Since the oil drying out is light, nonconductive and waterproof, it was used for ship painting but has soon been substituted by paints which are more economical. Wood-oil Tree’s leaves and roots are effective traditional Chinese medicines to treat ulcers and rheumatoid arthritis, promote digestion, and reduce internal parasites from the body. The timbers are white, glossy, without special smell, long-lasting; therefore, it is yearned for making furniture and other constructions. In addition, the species is a wonderful ornamental and street tree by virtue of its handsome tree form, dense foliage, graceful white blossoms and outstanding fruit appearance.
Meaning of names The specific epithet montana describes its native range on mountains. The common name ‘Wood-oil Tree’ refers to its oil production; the tree can yield oils for years, hence named as ‘千年桐’ for highlighting its rather prolonged economic value. Since the seed is enclosed in a wrinkled pericarp, it is also offered a name ‘皱桐’.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Deciduous tree.
Height To 20 m.
Stem Bark brown, glabrescent, lenticellate.
Leaves Leaf blade broadly ovate, broadly ovate, base cordate to truncate, apex acute to acuminate, margin 2–5 lobed or entire, palmately veined. Petiole tip with petiole cup-shaped glands.
Flowers Dioecious, rarely monoecious. Male flowers: calyx spathe-like, usually 2-3 lobed at apex, petals 5, white and sometimes crimson at base, stamens 8-10. Female flowers: calyx and petals as male flowers, styles 3, bipartite.
Fruits Drupes ovoid, 3-ribbed. Pericarp leathery, with reticulate wrinkles.
Flowering period April to June in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period July to October in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :

Scientific names from other databases 
Flora of China : Vernicia montana Loureiro
Plants of the World Online : Vernicia montana Lour.
