Mock Bodh Tree, Mock Peepul Tree

Scientific Name : Ficus rumphii Blume
Common Name : Mock Bodh Tree, Mock Peepul Tree
Chinese Name : 心叶榕, 假菩提树
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins West Yunnan. Also distributed in other Southeast Asian countries.
Meanings of names As indicated in its Chinese name “Heart-leaved Fig (心叶榕)”, the leaf of the species is heart-shaped. Because of its similar appearance to the Bodh Tree (Ficus religiosa L.), the species is also called the Mock Bodh Tree.
True and fake Bodh Tree Leaf apex of the real “Bodh Tree” are comparatively longer caudate, which is comparable to ¼ to half of the length of leaf blade. Conversely, the leaf apex of the Mock Bodh Tree is relatively shorter. Meanwhile, the petiole of the Mock Bodh Tree is also shorter, about 6 to 8 cm, whereas the petiole of Bodh Tree is relatively slender and longer, about 6.5 to 13 cm. Both species are commonly seen in Buddhist Temples and urban areas, but the Bodh Tree is more common overall.
Old and Valuable Tree Two Mock Bodh Trees were listed as Old and Valuable Trees (OVTs) in Hong Kong. One is located in the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (ARCHSD CW/27, and another one is found in Mong Kok Stadium (LCSD YTM/107, The former is larger in size, with a Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) about 2 m, 18 m in height and 37 m in crown width, it can be described as a giant! Go and appreciate this big tree when you are passing by the garden!

Traits for identification

Growing habit Semi-deciduous tree. Epiphytic on other plants when young.
Height To 15 m.
Roots Old trees with buttress roots.
Stems Bark of trunk grey, wrinkled when dry.
Leaves Subleathery, cordate to ovate-cordate, apex acuminate, base shallowly cordate to broadly cuneate. Basel veins 5, the outer 2 slender and short. Stipules ovate-lanceolate, caducous, stipular scar conspicuous.
Flowers Monoecious. Fig (as hypanthodium structurally) sessile, globose, axillary on young branch, paired or clustered on older leafless branches.
Fruits Fig (as syconium with numerous achenes structurally) with dark spots when young, dark purple in maturity.
Flowering period May to September in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period May to September in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :

Scientific names from other databases
Flora of China : Ficus rumphii Blume
Plants of the World Online : Ficus rumphii Blume
