Scientific Name : Ficus microcarpa L. f.
Common Name : Chinese Banyan, Small-fruited Fig
Chinese Name : 细叶榕, 榕树, 万年青
Local distribution status : Native species
Ecology | Chinese Banyan is native species in Hong Kong, and is also one of the common species in Fung Shui Wood, providing food and shelter for the local birds and other creatures. Its aerial roots will be lignified and developed into a “new trunk” supporting the crown after reaching the ground. Chinese Banyan shares a mutualistic relationship with fig wasps. Chinese Banyan must be pollinated by the fig wasps for fruiting, while the gall flowers of Chinese Banyan provide hosting places for fig wasps to spawn. |
Applications | Since the crown of the species is extremely broad, it can provide shelter to people during the hot summer. As a result, the species is widely cultivated as street trees for shade. |
Vitality & Sabotage | The species has extremely strong vitality. Its aerial roots can drill into the micro spaces of a variety of media for growth, which could potentially cause damage to the structure of buildings. Furthermore, Chinese Banyan can be infected by the fungus Phellinus noxius (Corner) G. Cunn., leading to the Brown Root Rot Disease (BRRD) and endangering the structure and health of trees. |
Old and Valuable Trees (OVTs) | Cultivation of Chinese Banyan is historical in Hong Kong. Currently in total of 223 individuals of Chinese Banyan are registered as OVTs. For details, please visit the following website – |
Growing habit | Evergreen tree. Crown ample. |
Height | To 25 m. |
Stems | Bark of trunk dark grey. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of main trunk to 0.5 m or above. In Hong Kong, some of the Old and Valuable Trees (OVT) of Chinese Banyan appear over 2 m in DBH. Pendulous aerial roots in rusty colour emerges from the branches of mature tree. The aerial roots are used for gas exchange. |
Leaves | Leathery, elliptic to obovate, dark green and shiny adaxially. Margin entire, apex obtuse. |
Flowers | The flower of Chinese Banyan is fig (as hypanthodium structurally). Male flowers, female flowers and gall flowers are distributed on the inner wall of the pressed globes. |
Fruits | The fruit of Chinese Banyan is fig (as syconium with numerous achenes structurally), pale yellowish to slightly reddish when mature, even turning blackish purple. |
Flowering period | May to December in Hong Kong. |
Fruiting period | May to December in Hong Kong. |
Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :
Scientific names from other databases
― Flora of China : Ficus microcarpa Linnaeus f.
― Plants of the World Online : Ficus microcarpa L.f.