Lemon-scented Gum

Scientific Name : Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson
Common Name : Lemon-scented Gum
Chinese Name : 柠檬桉
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins Eastern to northeast Australia.
Meanings of name As indicated by its name, Lemon-scented Gum has an intense lemon fragrance. Volatile oil is present in its leaves and branches, with citral as the main component. Its strong scent comes out by rubbing its leaves and branches. Therefore, the species is relatively easy for identification among other many Eucalyptus species in Hong Kong. In addition, Lemon-scented Gum, like some animals, has a “skin-shedding” habit. Its bark peels off entirely once a year, exposing its smooth and bright tree trunk. The new bark is greyish white to pale bluish-grey. This kind of habit is comparable to the cicada shedding its carapace.
Applications Eucalyptol can be extracted from its stems and leaves. Its timber can be used in flooring, ship-building and bridges-building, as well as wood pulp for paper making. The species is planted across the provinces in South China, as a street tree and greening species.
Vitality Lemon-scented Gum prefers humid and hot climate, grows well on fertile soil, but is intolerant to frost.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Evergreen tree.
Height To 28 m.
Stems Bark exfoliate into strips in short period annually, bark of main trunk greyish white, smooth, often umbilicate. Usually wrinkled at the branch axil.
Leaves Mature leaves narrowly lanceolate, slightly twisted, with black glands on both surfaces, releasing strong lemon scent when crushed. Petiole flattened.
Flowers Structure of flower specialized. Hypanthium semiglobose. Sepals and petals fused to form a semiglobose calyptra (a cap-like covering), apex rounded and apiculate. Hypanthium and calyptra form a long obovoid flower bud, like an upside-down water droplet. Calyptra detach upon anthesis. Stamens many, white.
Fruits Capsule urceolate. Valves 3 or 4, deeply included in hypanthium.
Flowering period April to December in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period June to November in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website : https://www.herbarium.gov.hk/en/hk-plant-database/plant-detail/index.html?pType=species&oID=6271

Scientific names from other databases
Flora of China : Eucalyptus citriodora Hooker
Plants of the World Online : Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson
