Lebbeck Tree

Scientific Name : Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.
Common Name : Lebbeck Tree
Chinese Name : 大叶合欢, 阔荚合欢
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins Tropical regions of Africa.
Applications Lebbeck Tree has a relatively broad crown, providing shade during hot summers. It has a comparatively long flowering period that lasts from the beginning till the end of summer, producing slight fragrance when blossoming. Therefore, the species is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions as street trees and ornamental trees.
Being shiny, striped, hard and resistant to decay, its timber and can be processed into furniture and construction materials. Its leaves can be applied as stock feed.
Toxicity Legumes and seeds of Lebbeck Tree are poisonous as they contain saponins. Over consumption will irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhoea.
Ecology Lebbeck Tree is the food plant of the larva of Polyura athamas athamas (Drury, 1770). It is also a nectar source which benefits the biodiversity of urban forestry.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Deciduous tree.
Height To 12 m.
Stems Bark of trunk brown, rough.
Leaves Evenly bipinnate, pinnae 2 to 4 pairs, with 4 to 8 pairs of leaflets on each pinna. Leaflets narrowly elliptic, or slightly oblique, apex obtuse or retuse.
Flowers Yellowish green, fragrant. About 30 to 40 flowers on each inflorescence. Stamens many, exserted from corolla. Filaments yellowish green at upper portion, white at base. The morphology of inflorescence is like a green-and-white pompom with long hair.
Fruits Legume straw-brown, ligulate, flatten, shiny, with 4 to 12 seeds. Can remain on branchlets long after ripening.
Seeds Elliptic, brown.
Flowering period May to September in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period October to May in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website : https://www.herbarium.gov.hk/en/hk-plant-database/plant-detail/index.html?pType=species&oID=3022

Scientific names from other databases
Flora of China : Albizia lebbeck (Linnaeus) Bentham
Plants of the World Online : Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth.
