Scientific Name : Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br.
Common Name : Devil Tree, Common Alstonia
Chinese Name : 糖胶树, 黑板树, 面条树, 灯架树
Local distribution status : Exotic species
Origins | Southern Yunnan, southern and western Guangxi. Also distributed in tropical regions of Asia and Australia. |
Meanings of names | This species has several interesting names. It is called "Sugar-Gum Tree (糖胶树)" in Chinese, as its latex can be made into chewing gum. The Chinese name also reflects one of its uses. In Asia, its wood is made into blackboards for teaching purposes, so it was named "Blackboard Tree (黑板树)" in Chinese. Besides, the specific epithet “scholaris” in its scientific name means “of or belonging to a school”. The Chinese name "Noodle Tree (面条树)" describes its linear, greyish white and drooping follicles, which look like a bunch of noodles hanging on the tree. |
Applications | The Devil Tree demonstrates relatively strong apical dominance, which shapes its magnificently upright and straight posture. The elegant growth form of the tree draws a correlation to the nobility, honesty, integrity and steadfastness of people. Standing out from the crowds with easily recognised appearance, the species is widely adopted as street trees and gardening plants. The Devil Tree is also applied as folk medicine in various places, including India, Philippines, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Myanmar. In India, the Devil Tree is used to treat malaria, jaundice, gastrointestinal diseases and cancer. Scientific studies have shown that the Devil Tree has anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, contraceptive and other therapeutic functions. |
Growing habit | Evergreen tree. |
Height | To 40 m. |
Stems | Whole plant contains milky latex. Trunk straight, bark grey, with longitudinal cracks and obvious lenticels. |
Leaves | In whorls of 3 to 8, obovate-oblong or spatulate, leathery, apex rounded, base cuneate. Lateral veins 25 to 50 pairs, densely subparrallel, anastomosing (connected) near margin. |
Flowers | Greenish white. Inflorescences terminal. Petals fused. Corolla salver-form, with long tube. Lobes oblong to ovate-oblong, overlapping to left. |
Fruits | Follicles 2, linear. |
Seeds | Reddish brown, oblong, both ends with tufts of hairs. |
Flowering period | August to November in Hong Kong. |
Fruiting period | December to February in Hong Kong. |
Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :
Scientific names from other databases
― Flora of China : Alstonia scholaris (Linnaeus) R. Brown
― Plants of the World Online : Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br.