Scientific Name : Melia azedarach L.
Common Name : China-berry, Persian Lilac
Chinese Name : 楝, 苦楝, 森树, 紫花树
Local distribution status : Exotic species
Origins | The Yellow River Basin and provinces at the south of the Yellow River. Also distributed in tropical and subtropical regions in Asia, tropical regions in Australia and the Pacific. |
Vitality | China-berry does not have high requirements for soil, so it can grow on acidic to alkaline soil. It is fast-growing and grows well on wet and fertile soil. |
Applications | This species has a wide range of applications. In tropical and temperate regions, it is cultivated as street trees and ornamental trees. The blossoms of its lilac flowers deliver a sense of mournful elegance. It can also be used as an afforestation species. Being light, soft and lustrous, its wood can be made into furniture, musical instruments and construction materials. The seeds contain oil, which is the raw material for paints, lubricants and soaps. |
Toxicity | China-berry is often used as a medicine for treating tinea and parasitic worms in China. However, its toxicity should not be underestimated. Especially the fruits, which are comparatively poisonous, by ingesting six to nine can be fatal. Symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, fast heart rate and breathing difficulty, etc. The lethality of the plant to both human and animals must be remembered, ingestion of which must be avoided. |
Growing habit | Deciduous tree. |
Height | To 10 m. |
Stems | Bark of trunk greyish brown, longitudinally fissured. |
Leaves | Imparipinnate, bipinnate or tripinnate. Leaflets opposite, papery, ovate, elliptic, to lanceolate. Apex shortly acuminate, base oblique, margin obtusely serrate. Terminal leaflet usually slightly larger. |
Flowers | Fragrant. Petals 5, lilac, obovate-spatulate. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes ovate to oblong-ovate. Staminal tube purple, apex with 10 dentate lobes, like a cream nozzle. Anthers 10. |
Fruits | Drupe, globose to ellipsoid, yellow when mature. Endocarp ligneous. |
Seeds | Ellipsoid. |
Flowering period | April to May in Hong Kong. |
Fruiting period | October to December in Hong Kong. |
Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :
Scientific names from other databases
― Flora of China : Melia azedarach Linnaeus
― Plants of the World Online : Melia azedarach L.