Scientific Name : Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum.
Common Name : Yellow Oleander
Chinese Name : 黄花夹竹桃, 酒杯花
Local distribution status : Exotic species
Origins | Central and South America. |
Vitality | Due to the natural habitat of the Yellow Oleander consisting of hot arid regions, the species is drought tolerant. It grows better on moist and fertile soil. In addition, it is slightly tolerant to frosting. |
Meanings of names | Since its corolla is funnel-shaped, like an upside-down wineglass, the species is also given the name “Wineglass Flower (酒杯花)” in Chinese. The cultivar Orange Luckynut Thevetia (Thevetia peruviana 'Aurantiana'), named as the “Red Wineglass Flower(红酒杯花)” in Chinese, blossoms orange-red with a similar appearance. It is also commonly seen in Hong Kong. |
Oleander | Both Yellow Oleander and Common Oleander (Nerium oleander L.) are the plants commonly seen in urban setting of Hong Kong. However, the former one is tree with distinctive main trunk, while the later one is shrub without obvious main trunk. Yellow Oleander blooms in yellow blossoms, while the Common Oleander mostly exhibits flowers in the tone of red, with some cultivars give white or yellow flowers. |
Applications | With its comparatively long flowering period, bright and eye-catching blossoms, and small tree size, the Yellow Oleander is commonly applied in garden landscaping. The Yellow Oleander is also a source of medicine, containing cardiac glycosides, which is a cardiotonic drug. When applied in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the species functions on strengthening heart, inducing urination and dispersing swelling. |
Toxicity | The whole plant and its latex are poisonous, particularly the seed kernels which are extremely toxic. A dosage of one seed is lethal. It is prohibited for oral administration. Fatal cases due to Yellow Oleander have been recorded. |
Growing habit | Evergreen tree. |
Height | To 6 m. |
Stems | Bark of trunk brownish, lenticellate. Branches slender, pendulous. Whole plant with rich latex. |
Leaves | Linear to linear-lanceolate, tapering at both ends, sessile, margin slightly revolute, subleathery, shiny. Midvein adaxially sunken, abaxially prominent. Leaves crowded at the apex of branchlets, alternate, often arranged in whorls. |
Flowers | Corolla funnel-form, 5-lobed, lobe obliquely obovate, yellow, overlapping to left. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes narrowly triangular, green. |
Fruits | Drupe compressed triangular-globose, with 3 ridges. Immature fruit green, shiny, swollen; mature fruit black, shrunken. With 2 to 4 seeds. |
Seeds | Light grey, lenticular. |
Flowering period | April to December in Hong Kong. |
Fruiting period | August to February in Hong Kong. |
Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :
Scientific names from other databases
― Flora of China : Thevetia peruviana (Persoon) K. Schumann
― Plants of the World Online : Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum.