
Scientific Name : Cassia fistula L.
Common Name : Golden-shower
Chinese Name : 腊肠树, 猪肠豆, 阿勃勒, 牛角树, 波斯皂荚
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
Applications The Golden-shower is a common street tree and ornamental plant. During its flowering period, it seems to be embedded in a sea of flowers. Its flowers within an inflorescence gradually change from milky yellow to bright yellow towards the tip, which are brilliant and eye-catching, rendered a high aesthetic value. The inflorescences hang downwards, resembling a tumbling "flower waterfall". The species is widely cultivated in South to Southwest China and Southeast Asia.
Meanings of names Its legumes are slim, elongated and cylindrical. They turn blackish brown upon maturity that look like cured Chinese sausages as well as pig intestines. Hence, the species was given the names “Preserved Sausage Tree (腊肠树)” and “Pig-Intestine Pod (猪肠豆)” in Chinese. The species epithet "fistula" in its scientific name means "tube or pipe", which also describes the shape of its fruit. Its English name "Golden-shower" describes the scene of its yellow flowers in full bloom.
National Flower Golden-shower is the national flower of Thailand.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Deciduous tree.
Height To 15 m.
Stems Bark of trunk smooth and grey when young, rough and dark brown when old.
Leaves Evenly pinnate. Leaflets 3 to 5 pairs, opposite, thinly leathery, broadly ovate, ovate to oblong, apex shortly acuminate and obtuse. Lateral veins pinnate, slender, conspicuous on both surfaces.
Flowers Yellow. Inflorescences loose, drooping. Petals 5, obovate, subequal, with conspicuous veins. Sepals 5, long ovate, thin, reflexed at anthesis.
Fruits Legume terete (cylindrical), blackish brown when mature, indehiscent, 3-grooved, shaped like preserved sausages.
Seeds Ellipsoid, flattened, many, separated by septum.
Flowering period June to August in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period October in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :

Scientific names from other databases
Flora of China : Cassia fistula Linnaeus
