Common Garcinia, Fukugi, Happy Tree

Scientific Name : Garcinia subelliptica Merr.
Common Name : Common Garcinia, Fukugi, Happy Tree
Chinese Name : 菲岛福木
Local distribution status : Exotic species

Anecdotes on plants

Origins Ryukyu Islands of Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Taiwan.
Ecology The Common Garcinia is a coastal plant, found in woodlands along the coast. Larvae of the moth Heleanna fukugi Nasu, 1999 under the family Tortricidae feed on its leaves. Ryukyu fruit bat (Pteropus dasymallus (Temminck, 1825)) also feed on its fruit.
Applications The Common Garcinia has a deep and wide tap root system that is resistant to wind and salt. In order to resist attacks from typhoons and sea waves, the plant is used as a windbreak species in the Ryukyu Islands and China.
The Common Garcinia has a nearly 300-year history of cultivation in the Ryukyu Islands, where the locals planted them into forest belts and groves guided by the concepts of Feng Shui. The leaves of Common Garcinia are thickly leathery, and do not burn easily, so it is also planted as firebreaks. In addition, its bark can produce yellow dye that can be used to colour fabrics, such as for Okinawan Bingata.
In recent years, scientific research has found that the Common Garcinia has certain therapeutic functions, such as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The tree crown of this species is conical, with evergreen leaves that contribute to a beautiful growth form. In Hong Kong, it has been widely planted as greenery and street trees in recent years.
Meanings of name The Japanese name for this plant, "Fukugi", means "tree of happiness", which symbolizes the hope for harmony between man and nature. “Fortune Wood (福木)” is the Chinese translation of "Fukugi". Since Philippines is one of its origin, the species was given the name “Filipino Fortune Wood (菲岛福木)” in Chinese.

Traits for identification

Growing habit Evergreen tree.
Height To 2 m.
Stems Bark of trunk grey. Twigs rigid and robust, 4-6-ribbed. Often with yellow sap.
Leaves Decussate, thickly leathery to subfleshy. Ovate, ovate-oblong to elliptic. Apex obtuse, rounded, or emarginate, base broadly cuneate to subrounded, margin involute. Dark green and shiny adaxially, yellow-green with raised midvein abaxially. Petiole robust, sheath-liked raised at the base.
Flowers Monoecious and unisexual. Clustered or solitary in leafless axil. Petals yellowish green to greenish white, obovate. Sepals and petals 5.
Male flowers often fascicles, sessile or shortly pedicellate. Stamens many, fascicled into 5 bundles. Female flowers usually with long pedicels. Ovary globose. Style extremely short. Stigma peltate, 3- to 5- cleft.
Fruits Berry subglobose, orange-yellow when mature, surface smooth, strongly wrinkled when dry. With 1 to 4 seed(s).
Flowering period March to August in Hong Kong.
Fruiting period September to November in Hong Kong.

Scientific name above is based on Hong Kong Herbarium website :

Scientific names from other databases
Flora of China : Garcinia subelliptica Merrill
Plants of the World Online : Garcinia subelliptica Merr.
