Under the Forests and Countryside Ordinance, Chapter 96, damaging plant in any forest or plantation on Government land is prohibited. Some rare and attractive species that are subject to exploitation are specifically listed in the Forestry Regulations, a subsidiary legislation of Chapter 96, which further controls the sale and possession of the listed species.
Designation of Country Parks, Special Areas and Sites of Special Scientific Interests (SSSIs) have been adopted by which habitat protection for rare and endangered plants can be achieved.
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Forestry Regulations are subsidiary legislation of the Forests and Countryside Ordinance, Cap. 96. Under these regulations, no person shall without lawful excuse sell, offer for sale, or have in his possession or under his custody or control any portion of the plants in the following table.
Scientific Name | English Common Name | Chinese Common Name |
1. Ailanthus fordii | Ailanthus | 福氏臭椿 |
2. Amentotaxus argotaenia | Amentotaxus | 穗花杉 |
3. Angiopteris fokiensis (currently known as Angiopteris evecta) |
Mules-foot Fern | 观音座莲 |
4. Aristolochia tagala | India Birthwort | 印度马兜铃 |
5. Asplenium nidus | Bird's-nest Fern | 雀巢芒 |
6. Camellia species | Camellias | 各种茶花 |
7. Cyatheaceae species | Tree Ferns | 桫椤科植物 |
8. Dendrobenthamia
hongkongensis |
Hong Kong Dogwood | 香港四照花 |
9. Drosera peltata var. glabrata | Crescent-leaved Sundew | 茅膏菜 |
10. Enkianthus quinqueflorus | Chinese New Year Flower | 吊钟 |
11. Illicium species | Star-anises | 各种八角 |
12. Illigera celebica (currently known as Illigera platyandra) |
Illigera | 青藤 |
13. Impatiens hongkongensis | Hong Kong Balsam | 香港凤仙 |
14. Iris speculatrix | Hong Kong Iris | 小花鸢尾 |
15. Keteleeria fortunei | Keteleeria | 油杉 |
16. Lagerstroemia species | Crape Myrtles | 各种紫薇 |
17. Lilium brownii | Chinese Lily | 淡紫百合 |
18. Magnoliaceae species | Magnolias | 木兰科植物 |
19. Nepenthes mirabilis | Pitcher-plants | 猪笼草 |
20. Orchidaceae species | Orchids | 各种兰花 |
21. Pavetta hongkongensis | Pavetta | 茜木 |
22. Platycodon grandiflors | Balloon Flower | 桔梗 |
23. Rehderodendron kwangtungense | Kwangtung Redertree | 广东木瓜红 |
24. Rhododendron species | Azaleas | 各种杜鹃 |
25. Rhodoleia championi | Rhodoleia | 红花荷 (红苞木) |
26. Tutcheria spectabilis | Tutcheria | 石笔木 |
27. Schoepfia chinensis | Schoepfia | 青皮树 |
Forestry Regulations do not apply to plants grown outside Hong Kong or on any land held from the Government under a lease, licence or permit or by virtue of an Ordinance.
For more details including photographs of above plants, please enter.