Employment agencies should operate within the law

    Operators of employment agencies are reminded to conduct their business in compliance with the Employment Ordinance and the Employment Agency Regulations, or else they will face prosecution and their licences may be revoked.

     A spokesman for the Labour Department said today (April 7) that the department had recently revoked the employment agency licence of "Paramount Human Resources Co." following the conviction of the operator, Ms Angilyn M Movilla, for operating the agency before obtaining a licence. She was fined $12,000 by the court for violating the related provisions of the Employment Ordinance.

     The Labour Department considered Ms Movilla’s record, and then decided to revoke her licence as she was found not a fit and proper person to operate an employment agency.

     The spokesman pointed out that under the Employment Ordinance, the Commissioner for Labour may refuse to issue or renew, or may revoke a licence if the employment agency operator has contravened any provision of Part XII of the ordinance or the Employment Agency Regulations, or has been convicted of an offence involving membership of a triad society, fraud, dishonesty or extortion, or for any other reason, is not a fit and proper person to operate an employment agency.

     Operators of employment agencies should obtain a licence for conducting employment agency business. Other than the prescribed commission, they should not charge any reward, payment or other advantage in respect of expenses from a job-seeker directly or indirectly in connection with having obtained, obtaining or seeking to obtain an employment for him.

     Unlicensed operation of an employment agency or overcharging a job-seeker is an offence. If convicted, offenders will be subject to a maximum penalty of $50,000.

     Enquiries or complaints against employment agencies concerning unlicensed operation or overcharging of commission can be made to the Employment Agencies Administration of the Labour Department on 2852 3535 or on 12/F, Harbour Building, 38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong.

Ends/Saturday, April 7, 2007
Issued at HKT 11:00